Some questions regarding Dorn Il-khan and Blackguards.

Hey, so I spent a while sifting through the AMA Beamdog did a couple weeks back, and there was a ton of good information in there. However, my questions weren't answered, so I wanted to ask them here, in case anyone knows. I don't expect anyone to, but hey, doesn't hurt to ask.
1.) What type of weapon is Dorn's sword? Greatsword, longsword, bastard sword?
2.) Can Blackguards use Carsomyr in BG2? Or will there be anything comparable to it for Blackguards, if not?
3.) Anyone have any idea how good Dorn's stats are?
4.) This isn't just about Dorn, but also the other two NPCs... um... where will they be? I mean, I'm all for not knowing *exactly* where to find them, but like... BG1 isn't THAT long of a game. I don't want to go through the entirety of Nashkel Mines, the Bandit Camp, and the Cloakwood Forest/Mines before finding out that Dorn was readily available the entire time, just hanging out in some obscure area, waiting for me to find him.
1.) What type of weapon is Dorn's sword? Greatsword, longsword, bastard sword?
2.) Can Blackguards use Carsomyr in BG2? Or will there be anything comparable to it for Blackguards, if not?
3.) Anyone have any idea how good Dorn's stats are?
4.) This isn't just about Dorn, but also the other two NPCs... um... where will they be? I mean, I'm all for not knowing *exactly* where to find them, but like... BG1 isn't THAT long of a game. I don't want to go through the entirety of Nashkel Mines, the Bandit Camp, and the Cloakwood Forest/Mines before finding out that Dorn was readily available the entire time, just hanging out in some obscure area, waiting for me to find him.

Neera should probably be in the new area northeast of Durlag's Tower.
As to comparable weapons, I seem to recall a sword wielded by one of the githyanki that can only be used by Anti-Paladins. Since that's essentially what a Blackguard is, I imagine he'd be able to use it just fine.
You're late to suspect, because devs already confirmed its a paladin kit in AMAA.
"Dorn is a half-orc Blackguard whose otherworldly patron grants him terrible powers in the form of his black sword and unholy spells."
atleast thats what i am reading ; )
Thanks for the info about his location though guys, good stuff to know.
EDIT: @Aosaw Sword used by githyanki? That's not ringing any bells for me... er, wait, actually. Now that I think about it, do you mean The Vorpal Blade? I remember the Githyanki in Shadows of Amn on the boat after Spellhold. They were really pissed about the vorpal blade piece that uhh... what's his name had. Saemon Havarian, or whoever. Is that the sword you're talking about? Cause anybody could use that one.
And looking at the screenshots, I BELIEVE He is wielding a two-hander.
2. The Blackguard is a paladin kit so he might be able to, but I think that is unlikely to happen.
3. We're just going to have to wait until the 18th to find out.
4. His webpage says Rasaad is "demonstrating his art to people in Nashkel", so he is likely to be found there. No idea where the other two are.
EDIT: Also, kind of glossed over the last comment there. Playing Evil in BG is by far the best I've ever seen in any game, bar none. Especially BG2. The things you can do are so memorable, and not at all the typical "lol kill everyone!!1" nonsense. I'm actually a little confused that you're implying playing an Evil character in the BG series is subpar, compared to a Good one... I mean, the overarching story is "You are the child of the God of Murder." and it can end with you becoming the God of Murder. That's... that's pretty potentially evil.
Reputation is a killer; if I wanted to be evil, I'd lose NPC's or have to play good sometimes for no reason, just to have good rep. It was a good idea, but it really presses the character into essentially one story line. KOTOR allowed you to be eeeeevil with a substantially different effect on the game.
KOTOR2 didn't seem to care if you were good or evil at the end, but it was a good game. Maybe I can get these to run on my Win 7 machine.
About Rasaad, he belongs to a specific order, does this means that monk kits are going to be added to BG?
There's no penalty. Townsfolk don't go hostile, the world doesn't come crashing down. The most fun I ever had in Baldur's Gate 1 was in the last playthrough I did, with a friend of mine. The moment we zoned into Baldur's Gate proper, the city itself, we were accosted by another Flaming Fist group. This one brought wizards. We were almost out of spells, not full hp, etc... had an epic, running battle through the streets of that first area, trying to gain some distance and wear them down with ranged attacks.
There were no side-effects of that fight. I guess there would have been if we had hit an innocent bystander, but we didn't. Killed the Flaming Fist, life moved on as normal. Completed every story arc in the game, had no problems, beyond simply being accosted by (sometimes challenging) groups of enemies.
BG2 was even easier, and better. In fact, being Evil in BG2 saved us 5,000 gold. We didn't have to buy a license to cast spells. We just started casting our damn spells as we pleased, the Cowled Wizards be damned. Good times.
And these weren't "brute force, kill everybody" playthroughs, at all. We just didn't worry about reputation. Played almost entirely out of self-interest, not killing people there was no point in killing. We didn't "Force Attack" anyone. Meaning if there was no way to turn someone hostile short of picking their pocket, we didn't turn 'em hostile, and didn't kill 'em. Only people who had it coming, basically. /shrug.
EDIT: As for losing NPCs due to being evil, um.. of course. These are real people, with real sets of morals and personality traits. If they're not evil, and they don't like having everyone in the world glare at them as they walk by, or mutter obscenities under their breath about "That damn Bhaalspawn and his idiot friends" or whatever, then yeah, they're gonna be upset and probably leave. That just makes sense, to me.
1.) Greatsword/two-handed swords almost for sure. All the screenshots with him show him wielding a two-handed sword, so.
2.) I really doubt they'll be able to use Carsomyr, and I'm betting that Overhaul will make a thoroughly evil sword come BGII:EE by popular demand. But these are both theories.
3.) Nope, no idea. Although it's a good theory that at least one of his stats will show off his half-orc race, especially being as he is the only half-orc. (So probably either a 19 strength or 19 con. Or both, but probably not, as the fighters in BG1 are very well balanced with one another and that would put him above all the rest.) Trust me, I'm as curious as you are!
4.) Haha, I know exactly what you mean. It's been referenced that Rasaad is in Nashkel (or Nashkel Carnival, from the sound of it, it could be either one). All signs seem to point that Neera will be somewhere around the Cloudpeaks. (So, around the 3 pine-tree area map in the South) Dorn is a mystery, although a lot of us are thinking he will be in or around the so-called Gibberling Mountains.
Besides, the game probally will start the NPC locations as quest related, remember BG2 difference to BG, that is exactly the interaction of every NPC to the game quests, you don't lose a single NPC in BG2 because you forget to look on a specific spot. I believe Korgan is the only NPC in BG2 that don't direct interact with you or isn't liniked to any quest (so you must speak with him to discover that he's an joinable NPC).
My first time through BG1 I totally missed people like Shar-teel, Safana, Branwen, Kagain, Alora, Kivan, etc, because I just happened to either not enter the building they were in, or didn't go into that area of the map... or even worse, didn't go to that exact specific location of the random area they were in, in Safana/Shar-teel/Kivan's cases.
Here's hoping the three new NPCs will be a little harder to miss than some of the old BG1 people.