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When are we getting the Linux client and will the windows client run in wine?

georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I doubt that we will be getting the Linux client on release day, however I am hoping that the game will run without issue in wine. Is it possible that one of the devs can confirm if it runs in wine. I know it won't be supported in wine.

And when will we get the Linux client? I already bought the windows client so hopefully one can run the Linux client using the same key, else I will have to buy the Linux client.


  • AnOnionAnOnion Member Posts: 30
    The windows client should run in wine, but there is not currently a native Linux client on the table. Last I heard, they're still in talks about it, though.
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    So far all different platforms requires different copies, and I'm guessing it will remain the same.

    The only thing I've seen so far about Linux is that Trent Oster is in discussions regarding the legal issue around it, so no dates or anything. Guessing it will pop up a few months after release to the other platforms.
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