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Baldur's gate 2 cutscene question

RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
When does the scene where Imoen and Irenicus are processed by the Cowled Wizards play? I've been playing a new game recently, but not continuously (I went back to BG1 for an evil playthrough). I'm wondering if I've missed this scene or if I did get it and just don't recall seeing it.


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I believe this happens when you pay Gaelan Bayle the 20,000 gold for the help of the Shadow Thieves.
  • SceptenarSceptenar Member Posts: 606
    I think I know which one you mean. It plays when Chapter 2 starts (after Gaylan Bayle gives you the 20k gold mission in his house in the slums)
  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    @Sceptenar Yeah, it plays after the Chapter 2 narration. I got enough from your post to do a search on youtube. @Aosaw when you pay Gaelen it goes to Chapter 3 and after the narration you get the Irenicus Spellhold escape.

    Thanks guys.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Ah, yes, I forgot about that one.
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