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How does/will the multiplayer work?

QayinQayin Member Posts: 29
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
hey guys! i never played multilayer on BGII and i was wondering if u could tell me how the multilayer on BGEE is going to work?

first of, is it lan only, or also wan?

and 2nd, BG has 1 hero which most things revolves around.. when u play multilayer do u have 2? are the games bound together? or is it just my friend hosting is the hero and i join as, lets say minsc? and when i leave he can continue?

explain please =)


  • RhaoRhao Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2012
    As it mentions cross platform and tablets, I'd go Lan & Wan.
    Hopefully the host will get to know what range of ports to open/forward (tcp/udp). That's my first mission to test when I get my copy - have I set my firewall correctly.

    One hero only
    Host can assign NPCs to player and set certain conditions
    You can join the game with your own character /speculation]"
  • QayinQayin Member Posts: 29
    oh so it has not yet been announced or confirmed huh?

    well my best hopes is that the either u can have a game with 2 "chars" that arent npcs (so that u could lvl and treat them as u want with no restrictions that some npcs have)

    we'll see in 6 days tho!
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    edited September 2012
    The original game allowed you to play locally or over the internet. The host plays the protagonist, and other players create their own PCs to join them. The other PCs won't be the protagonist (i.e. "Gorion's Ward" will be the host, not the other players), but it's otherwise like a single-player game. You've just got multiple people controlling the characters.

    There are settings, too, that allow you to change whether certain players can control other characters or do certain other things. You can also boot people from the game or invite new players in the middle of a session; so if a player's character dies, you can just roll up a new one if you want (although the new one won't necessarily have the same level as the rest of the party).

    All of this was present in the original game; from what we've heard, Overhaul has not removed this feature.

    EDIT: There's also a thread with answers to this question, here:
  • QayinQayin Member Posts: 29
    ohhh bless you my friend - that is ALL i wanted to know and more
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