Firebeard and 300GP
I was experimenting with what class I should start BG:EE with and found out if you talk to Firebeard in the Inn in Candlekeep 30 times he gives you 300gp; this is right as you start the game. I fired up my ol' copy of BG1 but I tried click/enter combo 30-40 times on Firebeard (with 18 CHAR) and no cigar. This is both having completed his fetch quest and before completing it.
What's the trick? Am I doing it wrong? I'd love to get that intial gold boost.
What's the trick? Am I doing it wrong? I'd love to get that intial gold boost.
(Not really busted.)
+1 for not using TuTu like a nubcake!!
This also works on noober.
If BG:EE is based on ToB engine, will Firebeard still bestow upon us precious gold?
Apparently things like this will work in BG:EE
I will remain a sceptic until I can try these things out for myself
She does evil dances
If you look into her eyes
She’ll put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She’ll mix up an evil brew
And she’ll gobble you up!
In a big tasty stew
Sorry~ hehehe.
So maybe charisma is the sole determining factor in getting the 300gp.