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Still 18th ?

DalfDalf Member Posts: 9
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Just want to know if the release date is still the same.
Can't wait to play BG:EE !


  • HeinrichHeinrich Member Posts: 188
    The PC version will be released on the 18th.
    Mac and iPad will be released within September but the final release date has not been released.
    Android is yet to be announced.

    It's only less than a week until it's finally released on Windows. I'm saving a $20 bill as a snacky provisions budget ;)
  • DalfDalf Member Posts: 9
    Nice. Sometimes some projects are delayed... so I was wondering about it (PC version in my case)
  • HeinrichHeinrich Member Posts: 188
    I think the developers are finally wrapping up the project and preparing for the launch. If there is anything else to be addressed I'm sure that they'll fix it or add more content via DLC.

  • DalfDalf Member Posts: 9
    aaaaaaah .... so my worrying was right...
    Have to wait until November 30th...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    @Dalf are you a diviner in game by any chance?
  • XantarrXantarr Member Posts: 16
    edited September 2012
    To clarify, no... The PC release version is ALSO delayed until November 30th.
  • DalfDalf Member Posts: 9
    I rolled a dice to know if it will be delayed...
    The team rolled a 1D100 for the number of days it will be delayed ?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Dalf said:

    I rolled a dice to know if it will be delayed...
    The team rolled a 1D100 for the number of days it will be delayed ?

    No, they roll a d12 (it's used so rarely, you have to give it something to do), but it's one of those "if you roll a 12, roll twice and add the result" scenarios.
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