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Racial Bonuses

scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
So, lately I've been wondering what exactly the bonuses are for the different races? As far as I can remember, the in game text was very hazy on that subject, so I'm thinking about the actual numbers and such. Anyone know?


  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Aww, you beat me to it. But at least I wrote it! >_>

    Quick summary:
    Humans - ability to dual-class. Only race capable of being Paladin and Monk.
    Half-Elves - Humans but they multi-class instead of dual-class.
    Elves - +Dex, -Con, +hit/damage with "Large Swords" and Bows.
    Dwarves - +Con, -Dex, -Cha, constitution-based bonuses to saving throws
    Halflings - +Dex, -Str, -Wis, +1 Thac0 with slings, constitution-based saving throw bonus
    Gnomes - +Int, -Wis, constitution-based saving throw bonus
    Half-Orcs - +Str, +Con, -Int

    All demi-humans except half-orcs gain bonuses to thieving skills as shown on this table.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Half-Elves and Elves are also resistant to Charm and Sleep.
  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    @sandmanCCL Isn't it true that having a high CHA can keep intra-party fights from breaking out if CHARNAME is the leader, esp in BG1? Your guide doesn't mention anything about it.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    @kilroy_was_here That is true but is in no way related to the OP's question, which was about the racial bonuses each race gets.
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    Consider applying this patch:

    It'll give the proper resistances to sleep & charm that elves and half-elves are supposed to have. Particularly in BG1tutu, this is a big advantage.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    Its been applied already.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I looked at that wiki site. I love the line "Baldur's Gate allows you unlimited rerolls. Because of that, the only reason to have a character with mediocre stats would be laziness on the part of the creator." The only reason, not because of a reason that the person enjoys roleplaying a character that isn't perfect in every way...
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    @bigdogchris: It's a guide specifically for playing the game hardcore, meaning once you die, you start over from the beginning. People that like roleplaying a character that isn't "perfect in every way" are most likely not hardcore players.

    In other words, it's true. If you're planning on playing through the entire saga hardcore, chances are you're going to re-roll til your guy is awesome.

    @kilroy_was_here: Honestly I've never noticed it. If anything it just delays it. Besides, how often are you going to make a party where you're bringing Viconia AND Kivan? Edwin AND Dynaheir? Jaheira AND Xzar?

    I really don't see much of a need to have charisma over 6 or so. CHA Tome + Algernon's cloak will get you up to 9 for when you are trying to recruit a finicky NPC. Or just have Imoen talk to them.
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    @sandmanCCL: Something I don't fully get with a hardcore character. When he dies, do you export him to re-start, or do you have to erase him and start a new character from level 1? I get that hardcore means no reloading, but I'm wondering if it means no exporting.

  • chickenhedchickenhed Member Posts: 208

    I looked at that wiki site. I love the line "Baldur's Gate allows you unlimited rerolls. Because of that, the only reason to have a character with mediocre stats would be laziness on the part of the creator." The only reason, not because of a reason that the person enjoys roleplaying a character that isn't perfect in every way...

    Well, in fairness, the site IS called "play it hardcore" :)
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Silence said:

    @sandmanCCL: Something I don't fully get with a hardcore character. When he dies, do you export him to re-start, or do you have to erase him and start a new character from level 1? I get that hardcore means no reloading, but I'm wondering if it means no exporting.

    It means that play through, that character is finished.

    Despite being an admin for a site about hardcore plays of Baldur's Gate, I am guilty of deciding I like my character too much and was having enough fun with that playthrough to just go ahead and reload. But after that point, I stop trying to win hardcore. I just throw up my hands and say, "Welp, didn't succeed. Time to relax." It's usually at that point I abuse the pickpocket bug like crazy, haha.

    Exporting your dude to begin again with the same guy would not be considered "hardcore." The point is to beat the game in what should be a solid playthrough.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    I looked at that wiki site. I love the line "Baldur's Gate allows you unlimited rerolls. Because of that, the only reason to have a character with mediocre stats would be laziness on the part of the creator." The only reason, not because of a reason that the person enjoys roleplaying a character that isn't perfect in every way...

    The website is called "playithardcore" bro. It's about meta-gaming. It isn't called "playitroleplay" :P
  • MortiannaMortianna Member Posts: 1,356
    edited September 2012

    In other words, it's true. If you're planning on playing through the entire saga hardcore, chances are you're going to re-roll til your guy is awesome.

    I see this as one side of the extreme poles of "hardcore." There's plenty of gamers (the ascetic types) who are on the opposite side of "power gaming" who do everything strictly by the rules: taking that first ability score roll no matter how weak or average they are, accepting that 1hp level up, starting the game over after you die, letting that cloudkill scroll dissipate into nothing after you fail the learn spell roll, etc. Yes, they're a rare breed, but they do exist.

    Post edited by Mortianna on
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    Yeah I figured. I couldn't find a definition online. I usually almost always play hardcore. The only way to keep me emotionally invested in BG after 14 years is that fear that I only get one shot to do it right.

    However, I hate the solo hardcore. While I *greatly* respect solo players, I just miss the richness and complexity of multiple NPCs (even if I've designed them myself).
  • Tr_ondTr_ond Member Posts: 496
    edited September 2012
    @sandmanCCL keep up the good work and continue to share your expertise on these threads, I haven`t played BG in ages and might need to use some cheese here and there.
    From my meme thread :
    Made because of this thread amongst others.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853


    I don't know what you want me to say. That is not us. That is not what our site caters to.

    Taking one line in our guide out of context to try and paint me and the other guys who contribute to the site as shitty people because we like to powergame, frankly, is tiresome. I feel attacked on these forums for expressing how much I like meta-gaming, like somehow me taking enjoyment from that somehow lessens their gameplay experience.

    That post was too good to just Like or Agree.

    I agree it is quite ridiculous being painted as a bad guy just because I like to play a game differently than others. At least I know I'm not alone with you around these forums, as corny as that sounds.

    And I mean, that's not to hate on people who role-play a lot. Cool for them, if they enjoy that all the power to 'em.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    edited September 2012
    @Tr_ond: never change, man. 24 pages of memes and you still manage to get me to laugh with every single Impact Bold image.

    @Quartz: Thanks, man!

    I guess I have been guilty of using language that seems like I'm anti-RP. I just want it on the record I am not anti-RPing in video games. More power to people who get the most out of that. It's just simply not how I think, at least not when it comes to video games. I see X beats Y, so X is better than Y. I take pride in letting people know that guy they really hate is actually pretty good. The 3 characters I have a loathing for is mostly out of their redundancy, and Garrick. I'm one of the few defenders of Faldorn and think Khalid is one of the best NPCs in the game just as two quick examples.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    I guess I have been guilty of using language that seems like I'm anti-RP. I just want it on the record I am not anti-RPing in video games. More power to people who get the most out of that. It's just simply not how I think, at least not when it comes to video games. I see X beats Y, so X is better than Y. I take pride in letting people know that guy they really hate is actually pretty good. The 3 characters I have a loathing for is mostly out of their redundancy, and Garrick. I'm one of the few defenders of Faldorn and think Khalid is one of the best NPCs in the game just as two quick examples.

    Yeah I get you, I think the same way, so yea.

    Faldorn may have bad stats but she's the only pure druid NPC. As such she is the best healer in the game, nuff said. And agreed, Khalid is pretty good, he is the only actually rounded fighter in the game. The rest are lacking in at least one stat.
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279


    I don't know what you want me to say. That is not us. That is not what our site caters to.

    Taking one line in our guide out of context to try and paint me and the other guys who contribute to the site as shitty people because we like to powergame, frankly, is tiresome. I feel attacked on these forums for expressing how much I like meta-gaming, like somehow me taking enjoyment from that somehow lessens their gameplay experience.

    You've got my vote. Once you've beaten a game a few times I see the whole point as Metaing the $hit out of it, whilst simultaneously jacking up the difficulty as hard as possible.

    It's a different experience, you're not stumbling around in the dark wondering what you should be doing next, you're constantly on the edge of your seat trying to crush your enemies before they crush you ingame. Take tactics for example - it allows new levels of Meta when installed with the Item Mods, but also quadruples the difficulty of enemies, particularly spellcasters.

    When I play vanilla without Meta, I'm bored to be frank.

    I'm still yet to find an RPG that's harder than BG/BG2 once its modded and jacked up to the max, that combined with a great story and re-playability is perfection.
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    Also, just adding that I have *nothing* against people that always want to play through on roleplay-hardcore. I've done it a few times and it was great, but those that do it and feel superior to others that Meta shouldn't go acting all smug. Nobody is superior, it's a game, its meant to be played however the gamer in the captain's chair wants to play it.
  • NemNem Member Posts: 51
    Pecca said:
    The website mentions elves receive a bonus to ALL bows and swords, and not just Long Swords and Long Bows. Is this true?
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    In BG and ToTSC that was true due to how the weapon proficiency was setup. Large Swords encompassed Longswords, Bastard Swords and Greatswords (2h swords). Bows Encompassed Longbows and Shortbows. I believe that changed through in BG2 with how they setup the weapon proficiency.
  • NemNem Member Posts: 51
    Ahh okay that makes sense. So I wonder then what happens when you import a character into BG:2. Are you then required to reselect your weapon proficiencies?

    Also, I'm assuming then that in BG:2 there is only a bonus given to Long Bows and Long Swords?

  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838

    If you do not use BGTutu or BGTrilogy then yes you reselect your weapon proficiency on character creation for BG2.
  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    I think it's wrong to comment negatively on anyone's playstyle. I respect role-players and power-gamers. Depending on my mood, I can be either one. At the end of the day, any day, I think we're all BG fans.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    Nem said:

    Pecca said:
    The website mentions elves receive a bonus to ALL bows and swords, and not just Long Swords and Long Bows. Is this true?
    Without mods to fix it, elves gain a bonus with all bows and anything BG1 would've labeled a "large sword." This is the case throughout the whole saga to the best of my understanding.

    I usually have something installed to correct these kinds of oversights, but yeah you can make a berzerking two-handed sword wielding elven powerhouse if you really want.
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