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gattberserkgattberserk Member Posts: 191
Hi guys... I am going to try out my 2nd mod where this mod will focus solely on joinable NPCs with their HP rolled to their maxed (only affect higher level version of themselves)

What I trying to saying in this mod all NPCs that has more than 1 version of themselves (for eg. Branwe, Branwe5 etc), the higher level version will be HP tuned to ensure their HP is rolled to their max according to their constitution bonus.

Fo eg: Kivan which appears at lvl 2 earliest (the base version) has 16 HP when u recruited him, but at later lvl when you meet him, he only has 27HP at lvl 4. What this mod does is to ensure he is rolled to his max HP based on his Base Cre. file + (lvl he gained x Max HP per lvl). Below are some eg for the explanation.

NPC at lvl ? - New HP (Original HP)

Kivan at lvl 2 - 16 HP (No change)
Kivan4 at lvl 4 - 36 HP (27 HP)
Kivan6 at lvl 6 - 56 HP (36 HP)

Imoen at lvl 1 - 6 HP (No change)
Imoen2 at lvl 2 - 14 HP (10 HP)
Imoen4 at lvl 4 - 30 HP (21 HP)
Imoen6 at lvl 6 - 46 HP (31 HP)

As you can see, other than the base character HP. all subsequent higher lvl version of the NPC themselves will automatically rolled the highest HP if you encounter them at later game. This mod specifically remove the urgency to recruit NPCs as early as possible just so they can adjust their HP to the highest. However since this mod deal with HP alone, its doesnt change the Skills / proficiencies that is allocated at default on higher lvl NPC...

Except for one: Coran.

CORAN5 will have its thieving skills adjusted such that when he gained 2 thief level from Coran.cre, he gained 50 exact points to his Find Traps Skills and nothing else. Any Thief in SC should be smart enough not to get themselves killed from deadly traps. Coran is not dumb especially with his 14 pt intelligence.

Other than him, all other NPC will get the same skills and proficiency same as original.

This mod is meant to reduce the need for players to quickly gather their ideal party asap. I have another mod that extend Coran's Wyvern Quest timing but that mod is inside my first BGEE Enhanced mod:

These 2 mods are mutually exclusive and you dont need both to work. Either one will greatly reduce the need to get Coran as early as possible or even get stressed up on how to kill Wyvern at early stage.


  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,439
    Except for your Coran changes, BG2 Tweaks already does this.
  • gattberserkgattberserk Member Posts: 191
    BG2 Tweaks is not just for BG2 right?

    I know there is a mod that reset all NPC at lvl 1, I believe its slightly different than that.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,439
    Yeah, BG2 Tweaks works on just about everything nowadays. The specific component is 'Max HP creatures'. There are three options within it--max HP just for joinable NPCs, max for everyone except joinable NPCs, or max every creature in the game. The component is written as a regular expression search, so it fully extends to mod NPCs and creatures.
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