In crypts especially, or really in any rooms where you can separate the party, I used to run my caster into a room with skeletons or other undead, set it off, and then bring in the rest of the party.
In the late game with stoneskin and mirror image, your mage will likely be well-protected enough to get a sunfire off without taking damage. In BG2 defensive capabilities will get even better, and sunfire will scale even more. It's a good spell.
Also, if you use an AI-improving mod like SCS, enemies will often try to go for high-AC targets rather than getting stuck on your warriors, so sunfire works as a good counter to that.
Edit: But obviously it's not a panic button spell, you need to micromanage things when you want to use it.
It's quite nice for Bards, as well, especially Blades that can hold their own even without additional safety until the cavalry arrives. Rush Blade in, Sunfire, Defensive Stance, call Minsc, mop up. I only used it once so far simply because Bards don't have that many spell slots for all the nice stuff, but it was quite fun and might become viable again at higher levels, when there's enough slots available for it to not block out something more important.
I wouldn't even bother with it for a solo character. I'd not let the enemy get close enough generally for it to be much use, except for in very confined spaces.
I'm pretty sure he didn't mean Mirror Image and Stoneskin as a protection against your own Sunfire, rather what can happen to you when you position yourself too far from the party and closer still to the enemies.
Me? I prefer Sunfire and things like Aganazzar's Scorcher when dual or multi-classing.
I'm pretty sure he didn't mean Mirror Image and Stoneskin as a protection against your own Sunfire, rather what can happen to you when you position yourself too far from the party and closer still to the enemies.
Me? I prefer Sunfire and things like Aganazzar's Scorcher when dual or multi-classing.
There's also Protection from Magic Weapons, Mantle, Improved Mantle, and Absolute Immunity, if you're high enough level, which can give you three (maybe four) casts of sunfire against many of the toughest enemies with no problems. On the other hand, by that time, you're probably better off casting Timestop or Horrid Wilting :P
By the way, at the end of SoA, Irenicus starts the battle with a Chain Contingency that contains Absolute Immunity (can only be hit by +6 weapons or higher, in other words no weapons in SoA), Spell Trap, and Protection from Energy (i.e. 75% protection from fire, cold, electricity, acid, and magic). His first spellcast is a Spell Trigger with an impossible four spells: Globe of Invulnerability, Mislead, Fireshield Red/Blue, and Monster Summoning III. He then casts Timestop. In other words, while Irenicus can do it better, you have all of the tools needed to protect yourself from most circumstances to get Sunfire off.
That being said, my main complaint is that even with 100% fire resistance, for example, you will still have your spells interrupted by certain elemental attacks, despite taking 0 damage. For example, a fireball will interrupt spellcasting, unless you have a protection that "shields" against it, i.e. spell immunity: evocation, lesser or normal globe of invulnerability, spell deflection/turning prior to later patches or ToB. Spell immunity negates most though, excluding a dragon's wing buffet or breath attack, and special attacks by mephits or a few other critters I think.
I haven't tested Spell Trap though. I'm not sure if it will absorb AoE spells or not.
That being said, my main complaint is that even with 100% fire resistance, for example, you will still have your spells interrupted by certain elemental attacks, despite taking 0 damage. For example, a fireball will interrupt spellcasting, unless you have a protection that "shields" against it, i.e. spell immunity: evocation, lesser or normal globe of invulnerability, spell deflection/turning prior to later patches or ToB.
ToBex fixes this. ps. @Bhryaen, it has been fixed, right?
@SpaceInvader If you mean spellcasting being interrupted by damage that you're immune to, I don't think it has yet, but I recall it was discussed briefly. Best way to make sure it's on the agenda is to get the Bugs thread up for it. The ToBEx mad scientist @Ascension64 may already have plans since he's on the Beta Team, but there are a lot of ToBEx's... All in good time... ;-)
Also, if you use an AI-improving mod like SCS, enemies will often try to go for high-AC targets rather than getting stuck on your warriors, so sunfire works as a good counter to that.
Edit: But obviously it's not a panic button spell, you need to micromanage things when you want to use it.
true story.
Me? I prefer Sunfire and things like Aganazzar's Scorcher when dual or multi-classing.
Damn Im too spleepy
By the way, at the end of SoA, Irenicus starts the battle with a Chain Contingency that contains Absolute Immunity (can only be hit by +6 weapons or higher, in other words no weapons in SoA), Spell Trap, and Protection from Energy (i.e. 75% protection from fire, cold, electricity, acid, and magic). His first spellcast is a Spell Trigger with an impossible four spells: Globe of Invulnerability, Mislead, Fireshield Red/Blue, and Monster Summoning III. He then casts Timestop. In other words, while Irenicus can do it better, you have all of the tools needed to protect yourself from most circumstances to get Sunfire off.
That being said, my main complaint is that even with 100% fire resistance, for example, you will still have your spells interrupted by certain elemental attacks, despite taking 0 damage. For example, a fireball will interrupt spellcasting, unless you have a protection that "shields" against it, i.e. spell immunity: evocation, lesser or normal globe of invulnerability, spell deflection/turning prior to later patches or ToB. Spell immunity negates most though, excluding a dragon's wing buffet or breath attack, and special attacks by mephits or a few other critters I think.
I haven't tested Spell Trap though. I'm not sure if it will absorb AoE spells or not.
ps. @Bhryaen, it has been fixed, right? Nope.
If you mean spellcasting being interrupted by damage that you're immune to, I don't think it has yet, but I recall it was discussed briefly. Best way to make sure it's on the agenda is to get the Bugs thread up for it. The ToBEx mad scientist @Ascension64 may already have plans since he's on the Beta Team, but there are a lot of ToBEx's... All in good time... ;-)
Ok, Im gonna open a thread