The Ballad of Spoony Dub Dub. No-reload playthrough

[Clears throat]
[Strums mandolin]
Come all, fill your cup
Gather round, listen up.
The tale of a Bhaalspawn I tell.
A charming young man
But with evil inside.
By true father's hand guided
By foster father's hand died
Dub Dub
Was his name
The most sour face
He could always make light
Because when he played his song
All troubles, they'd gone
He seemed
For fame
His talent
his promise
his bane
He was loved by all
for a moment but then
With disingenuous ease
So eager to please
his interest
would wane
his wont
Causing pain
When the chanters he spied
A feigned interest supplied
But his fingers they slipped
Hand caught in the grip
The chanters
his game
His de-
vious ways
making plain
Their reaction was violent
Struck out, all at once
But most loved of the muse
Spoony danced to confuse
The chanters
Would maim
as he sang
But all, it would seem
now were wise to his scheme
the pieces of lies
brought fore to their eyes
was Spoony's
True aim
The kindling
It sparked
into Flame
His Name
No where to turn
He ran to Gorion
Father protect me
No son, I detest thee
His magic
it sparked
into flame
His child
He'd slain
Now he think's
that he
is to blame
Dub Dub
Was his name
[Strums mandolin]
Come all, fill your cup
Gather round, listen up.
The tale of a Bhaalspawn I tell.
A charming young man
But with evil inside.
By true father's hand guided
By foster father's hand died
Dub Dub
Was his name
The most sour face
He could always make light
Because when he played his song
All troubles, they'd gone
He seemed
For fame
His talent
his promise
his bane
He was loved by all
for a moment but then
With disingenuous ease
So eager to please
his interest
would wane
his wont
Causing pain
When the chanters he spied
A feigned interest supplied
But his fingers they slipped
Hand caught in the grip
The chanters
his game
His de-
vious ways
making plain
Their reaction was violent
Struck out, all at once
But most loved of the muse
Spoony danced to confuse
The chanters
Would maim
as he sang
But all, it would seem
now were wise to his scheme
the pieces of lies
brought fore to their eyes
was Spoony's
True aim
The kindling
It sparked
into Flame
His Name
No where to turn
He ran to Gorion
Father protect me
No son, I detest thee
His magic
it sparked
into flame
His child
He'd slain
Now he think's
that he
is to blame
Dub Dub
Was his name
Immediately thereafter, treachery struck. Spoony and Imoen stood back as Xzar and Montaron searched the body; finding a bounty notice. "You know what this means, Monty?" Xzar whispered. Monty knew. He'd been thinking it since they'd met. Monty was always thinking it. "We must strike now," Xzar continued, "before they take up with these other `friends`."
Luring Spoony and Imoen out of sight of the guards under pretence of a discussion about the safety of the Inn, they struck. Monty, gone from sight, missed his attempt at a backstab. Xzar, spells depleted, entered into the melee with a dagger. Spoony just danced out of reach while Imoen riddled them both with arrows.
The bodies fell not far from eachother. Attempting humor, Spoony, moved them closer, into a loving embrace. Xzar cradling Monty. Forehead to cheek. Hand clasping neck.
Ignoring the spectacle for lack of a better reaction, Imoen said, hesitantly, "You need to be more careful." She was right. Spoony was usually careful not to indulge his natural, dark humour. Those jokes don't get the laughs they deserve. They make people turn their backs. Oh... she meant how they attacked us.
"You're right," Spoony said, feigning shame and conviction. With a sideways glance at his art, and slight shrug of the shoulder to disavow himself of it, Spoony gained back confidence that he was still beloved. Meanwhile, the contradictory though sunk into his subconsious. Imoen knew first hand about the need to hide how we truly are. With a feeling of new found kinship, Spoony led the way back to the Inn.
They are attacked by a dwarven bounty hunter in the first inn they stop to rest. They take to the streets, where spoony sings and taunts the maniac while the others shoot him from a safe distance.
Next, they pick up gainful employment as a body guard to an actress. It becomes obvious that she is using the group to dispose of the last group she used. Spoony orders the attack on the other group, and then kills the actress when they are done.
After resting, the group makes their way south to Nashkel. The going is slow. After each of several encounters they retreat to Beregost for rest and recuperation. On reaching Nashkel, they stop at the first inn and are again attacked by a bounty hunter.
"Maybe this is a problem," Spoony thinks, but soon forgets the thought as fantasies of fame and adoration replace the worry. He imagines the hunter charmed on sight and embracing him instead of attacking. Like this, he gains legions of followers. Enchanted by his music they indulge him in his every desire.
"Get it? We killed him." Spoony imagines explaining to his fans between sets. His fans, they appreciate the levity. Silent nods, cheeky grins, wide black eyes fixed on their idol before them.
The heroes make their way through the winding levels of the mine, lower and lower. The cool damp caves electrify Spoony's senses. They practice isolation tactics on the kobolds found there. Jahera, outfitted with the best defences against archers, draws the fire.
On reaching the lowest level, they find a chamber with an imprisoned elf mage, Xan. Xan agrees to join with the group, and together they confront a priest named mulahey. Mulahey mistakes them as envoys from his superiors, but soon wisens up and attacks the group, calling fourth his legion of skeletons and kobolds.
Jahiera trapped the majority of the onslaught with an entanglement spell, while the rest concentrated on disabling mullahey. Xan using scrolls from Mullahey's own chest. Spoony, invisible from a potion and spreading chaos with his song. After the victory, the team feels the tingling of invincibility deep in there bones. Spoony tells them how they are all heroes, and they indulge the sensation.
It was then, with the feeling of invincibility that the team met their fall. On exiting the mine through a secret passage they were met by a group of more bounty hunters.
"Admirers," thought Spoony. "Come to throw themselves at my feet. Oh the dance they engage for my attention. Cast themselves on my swords so I can but appreciate their merits. Lay down for me then, and you may become mine."
The Amazons' motives, however, were their own. Jahiera quickly succombed to posion darts. Khalid to a glyph of warding. Paralysis took Spoony. As he was blugeoned to death, his terrorized mind couldn't understand why the blows continued. He was willing to love her. Love them all. Jealousy? Too eager to impress? Surely she'd stop.
But she didn't. The bounty hunters made off with the party's treasure and Spoonys head. His carcass picked clean by the animals.
What say you? Continue with a Evil Jester? I was thinking I might like an evil Skald better. I imagine that character would be something like a fogotten realms Glen Danzig, or a Metalocalypse's Nathan Explosion.