Quick lvl-up for multiclass?

hey guys!
i played BG back in 2005 (late, i know) and i KNOW i didnt appriciate it fully... having finished PS:T for the first time this week, i understand that playing BG now when im 24 will be a much better experience!
im going to play ONLY with my friend, and i play more then he does, i was hoping to spend the solo time i had leveling... is it possible for me to play with him for a-bit, and than use my char alone in a single player, level up somewhere (Heard something about a candlekeep and guards?) and than join him when he comes but be a higher level?
was toying with a Fighter/Cleric concept...
i played BG back in 2005 (late, i know) and i KNOW i didnt appriciate it fully... having finished PS:T for the first time this week, i understand that playing BG now when im 24 will be a much better experience!
im going to play ONLY with my friend, and i play more then he does, i was hoping to spend the solo time i had leveling... is it possible for me to play with him for a-bit, and than use my char alone in a single player, level up somewhere (Heard something about a candlekeep and guards?) and than join him when he comes but be a higher level?
was toying with a Fighter/Cleric concept...
If you want to play alone when he's not around, just have your own separate file for that.
i know being a multi-class i will level alot slower than he does, even if we only play with a 4 man group, and i want to experience the game plot and dialogues with him, so i cant play a diff char and progress...
so why not come into the game with him being a-bit stronger?
edit: Reading and understanding a-bit more, if there is a 161k xp level cap in TotSC, that means that if i want to Dual class from fighter to anything at level 13, that means i can ONLY do it in BG2 right? because looking at XP charts i see that i wont even be able to get level 9 fighter because it requires 250000xp, which i cant get... am i correct?
And, as for your idea of "Fighter/Cleric," I'd say absolutely. It's a very powerful multi-class and I know you wouldn't regret it. It's powerful, and effective.
I would also suggest that, first time replaying the game, I wouldn't bother dual-classing. It's complicated and confusing. But if you insist, by all means go ahead. Just my two bits, though. I've been playing this game for ages and I've *just* started experimenting with dual-class and it's still a bit confusing at times, so...
And you're right about dual-classing. If you want to make the most omfgüberpwnzilla character at the end of the saga, you'd be a fighter the entire duration of BG1. People overplay how "overpowered" dual-classing is. By the time you regain your class levels if you totally min/max benefits, 75% of the game is already over and you will have struggled with that transition phase more so than single-class guys will "struggle" with end-game content. That's just my opinion, though.
If you just want to min/max for BG1's sake, you can only get to 6 as fighter and still regain cleric levels. Kind of a bummer. If they up the cap to 174k, you could go 7Fit/8Cleric. I really hope they do!
You could make a Level 5 Fighter, Level 6 Thief, or Level 5 Cleric.
This table is the XP chart for Mages. Assuming the XP cap is intact, you can get to level 9 with 26k xp left in overflow.
If you want to absolutely max Mage, you can dual-class from Fighter and Cleric at 5, or Thief as 6.
I feel like such a n00b
I'd recommend taking the Berzerker kit. Gimps your range, but gives you the ever handy rage ability which makes you immune to just about every instant-death and CC effect in the game for a couple rounds. Stays handy throughout, much more than mastery over bows would.
And yes, a fighter/cleric is an amazing combo. Agreed if you are dual-classing, start as a Berserker and dual to a cleric. If you're a tanky spellcaster you don't need range, and the enrage ability is amazing. I think you can even use it to ignore web in the Cloakwood.
i thought about this and ur right.. no point in it.
i think i will however console remove the xp limit and convince my friend to play just him and me and maybe imoen. the way i see it its "Fair" (but that's subjective.)
the question of Duel class VS Multi is VERY confusing to me...
i know that if i want to get the most out of my Fighter ill need to wait for 13 for the extra 1/2 attack (which ill get sometime in BGII) so why not just take Multi instantly? what are the weaknesses/drawbacks?
Its hard to say which one is going to be best until we see what the level cap is, but my instinct is fighter dualed to mage. That's what I'll be playing.
could you give me a quick tip please telling me which kits i should take and if there are any special/much needed things i need to know about this multiclass? (prolly taking Dwarf for the bonus CON and good magic throws.. (am i right?)
anything else? weapons wise and such?
and how "bad" is it that i cant get grand mastery in weapons?
As clerics can't take edged weapons, I always liked using maces. There's good maces available in-game as well. So, points in mace, flails are good too, with a few points in shield if you have any to spare. He'll be an epic tank.
BTW, grand mastery MAY be available, they fixed it via mods but dont know if its included in EE for multiclass characters.
Max your strength, dex, con and wisdom. What a machine.