The pre-Camelot Adventures of Merlin

My dear Gorion, today is the sixth day since you were taken from me in the ambush. That place will forever be known as Gorion’s Rest, at least if I have anything to do with it. I took your advice and am travelling with Khalid and Jaheira who will back me up on that I know. On the other hand, you might not be as pleased to know that Imoen is with me too. I know this’s not what you would have wanted for her but neither of us can call Candlekeep home without you there. Since I met up with Imoen the morning after we were ambushed, we’ve travelled through the Crossroads accompanied by two adventurers who were obviously of evil or devious intent but I kept them along for the numbers they added, despite Imoen’s protestations. One of them was obviously a Necromancer, the other I suspect an assassin. They served their purpose as we defeated a War Dog before finally making it to the Friendly Arm Inn where we were immediately attacked by a mage assassin named Tarnesh who we defeated easily. His spellbook gave us his name as well as a few scrolls.

We met up with Khalid and Jaheira, reequipped, and headed south toward Nashkel where they were bound before we met up with them. Actually, the other two were headed there too so with no other guidance from you except to find Khalid and Jaheira, it seemed as good a destination as any. The six of us travelled south back through the Crossroads where we battled and defeated a Wild Dog and two War Dogs before making it to Beregost. In Beregost, we had to find a temple which was close by. Jaheira had been bitten by a War Dog, had lost a lot of blood and was unconscious. There I met and enlisted a Morninglord of Lathander, Gavin, which allowed me to release the assassin. Imoen convinced the Necromancer to stay with us – she had some kind of curiosity about him and without the assassin he was too weak to be a threat. We went to rest in an inn called the Red Sheaf, where, as seems to be might lot lately, I was attacked by a stout dwarf who managed to injure Gavin, who collapsed from blood loss. The Necromancer saved the day by casting Horror from a scroll that took the dwarf out of his mind. After that, he just wandered aimlessly and we took him out. We healed Gavin with another trip to the temple (Temple of the Morning) and then rested for the night.
The next day, we hit the smithy, loaded up on sling stones and arrows before heading into the Beregost Wildness. Just south of town, we came across two Ogrillons that we defeated by spreading out and keeping them running in circles while firing sling stones, arrows and spells at them. Further south was the Nashkel Pass where we stumbled on six Hobgoblins that we defeated despite the fact that they were firing arrows back at us. We had barely gathered up their loot and started to walk long before we were attacked by two bandits that we also made quick work of. We also had to kill two Worgs before we made it to Nashkel. As soon as we were in Nashkel, we were warned not to cause trouble, only to be attacked by some kind of priestess as soon as we walked into the Nashkel Inn. Khalid, as a Ranger/Archer, was a big help keeping her off balance with his longbow and I still had two Magic Missiles in my memory and a Scroll of Chromatic Orb which helped. Gavin & Jaheira attacked with their slings and Imoen with her short bow and soon she was a corpse. We met with Berrun Ghastkill, the mayor who was expecting Jaheira. He enlisted us to look into the Nashkel Mines and find out what is happening to the ore that is coming out of there. Shortly after we met a tough looking man in plate mail with a huge two-handed sword. I’d been feeling the need for a real warrior and this guy looked the part. He is on a mission to rescue a woman named Dynahier west of Nashkel. She is a captive at a Gnoll Stronghold so we are going to undertake that mission first, then circle back to the mines.
Treasure of Note: Arms and armor: Helm of Infravision (Gavin), Splint Mail (sold); Scrolls: Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Blindness (Merlin), Horror (Xzar – Necromancer)
Current Disposition: Nashkel Inn
Next Steps: Rescue mission for Minsc to a Gnoll Stronghold west of Nashkel
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
Merlin: Sorcerer//1; sling +1 and Quarter Staff (Neira)


Minsc: Fighter/Berserker//1; Plate Mail, Two-handed sword (N/a) (Spellcaster defend)
Imoen: Thief/Adventurer//1; leather armor, short bow and short sword (War Dog) (Thief defensive)
Gavin: Cleric/Morninglord of Lathander//1; Splint Mail, Sling, Warhammer (Ogrillon) (Cleric Aggressive)
Khalid: Ranger/Archer//1; Studded Leather, Long Bow, Bastard Sword (Worg) (Ranger Ranged)
Jaheira: Fighter/Druid/Priestess of Silvanus/1; Studded leather, Quarter Staff, Club, Sling (Ogrillon) (Druid offensive/defensive)
Mods Used: BG 5512; ToB Patch 26498; ToBEx Beta 0026; BG2 Fixpack (v)10; BGT 118; Dark Side of the Sword Coast (v)2.17; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)170; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)171; Secret of Bonehill (v)2.75; Drizzt Saga (v)3; Lure of Sirine’s Call (v)13; Thalantyr Item Upgrade; BG1 NPC Project (v)22; Indira NPC (v)10.4; Gavin NPC (v)9; BG1 UB (v)13.1; BGSpawn (v)1.12; The White Queen (v)4.1; Amber NPC (v)4; Isra NPC (v)2.1; Fade NPC (v)4.0; Valen NPC (v)45; Auren Aseph (v)9; Sarah NPC (v)3.1; Haldimir NPC (v)2; Tyris Flare (v)7; Hotfix for Gavin BG2 (v) 20; Gavin NPC BG2 (v)20; de’Arnise Romance (v)4; IEP Extended Banter (v)4.2; Viconia Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.3; Mazzy’s Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; Yoshimo Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.1; Imoen Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; BG2 UB (v)26; Chosen of Mystra BGII Subrace; SCS (v)30 (minus tactical challenges); P&P Celestials (v)5; NPC Flirt Pack (v)1.03; Romantic Encounters (v)9; Cross Banter Mod Pack for BG2II (v)15; NPC Kit Pack (v)4; Song & Silence Mod for Bards & Thieves (v)6; Divine Remix (Beta)(v)8; Paladins of Faerun Kit Pack (v)4; Sword & Fist (v)7; Rogue Rebalancing (v)4.80; BGT Tweaks (v)11; BG2 Tweak Pack (v)16; Hard Times for BGTv2.4;
Item Randomizer (v)6.8; Mega Mod Kits (v)1.01L; Level 1 NPCs (v)1.9; BP BGT Maps (v)10.2.1
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)

We met up with Khalid and Jaheira, reequipped, and headed south toward Nashkel where they were bound before we met up with them. Actually, the other two were headed there too so with no other guidance from you except to find Khalid and Jaheira, it seemed as good a destination as any. The six of us travelled south back through the Crossroads where we battled and defeated a Wild Dog and two War Dogs before making it to Beregost. In Beregost, we had to find a temple which was close by. Jaheira had been bitten by a War Dog, had lost a lot of blood and was unconscious. There I met and enlisted a Morninglord of Lathander, Gavin, which allowed me to release the assassin. Imoen convinced the Necromancer to stay with us – she had some kind of curiosity about him and without the assassin he was too weak to be a threat. We went to rest in an inn called the Red Sheaf, where, as seems to be might lot lately, I was attacked by a stout dwarf who managed to injure Gavin, who collapsed from blood loss. The Necromancer saved the day by casting Horror from a scroll that took the dwarf out of his mind. After that, he just wandered aimlessly and we took him out. We healed Gavin with another trip to the temple (Temple of the Morning) and then rested for the night.
The next day, we hit the smithy, loaded up on sling stones and arrows before heading into the Beregost Wildness. Just south of town, we came across two Ogrillons that we defeated by spreading out and keeping them running in circles while firing sling stones, arrows and spells at them. Further south was the Nashkel Pass where we stumbled on six Hobgoblins that we defeated despite the fact that they were firing arrows back at us. We had barely gathered up their loot and started to walk long before we were attacked by two bandits that we also made quick work of. We also had to kill two Worgs before we made it to Nashkel. As soon as we were in Nashkel, we were warned not to cause trouble, only to be attacked by some kind of priestess as soon as we walked into the Nashkel Inn. Khalid, as a Ranger/Archer, was a big help keeping her off balance with his longbow and I still had two Magic Missiles in my memory and a Scroll of Chromatic Orb which helped. Gavin & Jaheira attacked with their slings and Imoen with her short bow and soon she was a corpse. We met with Berrun Ghastkill, the mayor who was expecting Jaheira. He enlisted us to look into the Nashkel Mines and find out what is happening to the ore that is coming out of there. Shortly after we met a tough looking man in plate mail with a huge two-handed sword. I’d been feeling the need for a real warrior and this guy looked the part. He is on a mission to rescue a woman named Dynahier west of Nashkel. She is a captive at a Gnoll Stronghold so we are going to undertake that mission first, then circle back to the mines.
Treasure of Note: Arms and armor: Helm of Infravision (Gavin), Splint Mail (sold); Scrolls: Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb, Grease, Blindness (Merlin), Horror (Xzar – Necromancer)
Current Disposition: Nashkel Inn
Next Steps: Rescue mission for Minsc to a Gnoll Stronghold west of Nashkel
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
Merlin: Sorcerer//1; sling +1 and Quarter Staff (Neira)


Minsc: Fighter/Berserker//1; Plate Mail, Two-handed sword (N/a) (Spellcaster defend)
Imoen: Thief/Adventurer//1; leather armor, short bow and short sword (War Dog) (Thief defensive)
Gavin: Cleric/Morninglord of Lathander//1; Splint Mail, Sling, Warhammer (Ogrillon) (Cleric Aggressive)
Khalid: Ranger/Archer//1; Studded Leather, Long Bow, Bastard Sword (Worg) (Ranger Ranged)
Jaheira: Fighter/Druid/Priestess of Silvanus/1; Studded leather, Quarter Staff, Club, Sling (Ogrillon) (Druid offensive/defensive)
Mods Used: BG 5512; ToB Patch 26498; ToBEx Beta 0026; BG2 Fixpack (v)10; BGT 118; Dark Side of the Sword Coast (v)2.17; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)170; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)171; Secret of Bonehill (v)2.75; Drizzt Saga (v)3; Lure of Sirine’s Call (v)13; Thalantyr Item Upgrade; BG1 NPC Project (v)22; Indira NPC (v)10.4; Gavin NPC (v)9; BG1 UB (v)13.1; BGSpawn (v)1.12; The White Queen (v)4.1; Amber NPC (v)4; Isra NPC (v)2.1; Fade NPC (v)4.0; Valen NPC (v)45; Auren Aseph (v)9; Sarah NPC (v)3.1; Haldimir NPC (v)2; Tyris Flare (v)7; Hotfix for Gavin BG2 (v) 20; Gavin NPC BG2 (v)20; de’Arnise Romance (v)4; IEP Extended Banter (v)4.2; Viconia Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.3; Mazzy’s Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; Yoshimo Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.1; Imoen Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; BG2 UB (v)26; Chosen of Mystra BGII Subrace; SCS (v)30 (minus tactical challenges); P&P Celestials (v)5; NPC Flirt Pack (v)1.03; Romantic Encounters (v)9; Cross Banter Mod Pack for BG2II (v)15; NPC Kit Pack (v)4; Song & Silence Mod for Bards & Thieves (v)6; Divine Remix (Beta)(v)8; Paladins of Faerun Kit Pack (v)4; Sword & Fist (v)7; Rogue Rebalancing (v)4.80; BGT Tweaks (v)11; BG2 Tweak Pack (v)16; Hard Times for BGTv2.4;
Item Randomizer (v)6.8; Mega Mod Kits (v)1.01L; Level 1 NPCs (v)1.9; BP BGT Maps (v)10.2.1
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
Actually, I really wish there was a way that I could play him as a Mage/Druid or Sorcerer/Druid which is far closer to the Merlin in the true Camelot stories. I rolled a few different PCs, a Human (Tiefling) Sorcerer, a Human (Tiefling) Druid, an Elven (Moon Elf) Sorcerer and a Half-Elven (Moon Elf) Druid. After going to Shadowkeeper to align all the stats and alignment with that of Merlin in the D&D Deities and Demigods manual, I ended up reluctantly selecting a Human/Tiefling. Sorcerer.
I still think he'll be cool, he just would have been more 'realistic' in my mind with a mix of sorcery and druid abilities, even if he had to start with one and then dual-class like humans have to do.
Oh well, here he is. We'll see how long he lasts. CKT
Someone pointed out to me that there WAS a Druidic-Sorcerer kit which is really what I wanted to play Merlin through as. So, I am using that kit and starting anew.
Unfortunately, the kit is designed for SoA/ToB so you have to go into Shadowkeeper and level down to zero experience and adjust your PC to a 1st level character to use it in BG/TotSC. In so doing, you lose a couple of advantages of the Druidic-Sorcerer; 1) wearing armor like a druid and, 2) using weapons a druid can use.
Still, I like this better than a straight sorcerer so I'm giving it a go. I like the image I found for a young Merlin so I'm sticking with it with this revised PC. CT
Key Event: The last assassin attacked me at the Nashkel Inn. I take it she was a cleric of sorts. I’m not sure she was able to get a spell off because of timely spells, arrows and sling stones hitting her mid-incantation. It was the little runt that got the kill driving his short sword underneath he splint mail shirt. There are advantages to being 3’ tall.
Treasure of Note: Arms and armor: Helm of Infravision (Minsc), Splint Mail (kept), Chain Mail (sold); Scrolls: Blindness (from Tarnesh - Merlin)
Current Disposition: Resting at the Nashkel Inn, buying and selling at the Nashkel store
Next Steps: Rescue mission for Minsc to a Gnoll Stronghold west of Nashkel
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
Merlin: Sorcerer//1; sling +1* and Quarter Staff (Diseased Gibberling)
Minsc: Fighter/Berserker//1; Plate Mail, Two-handed sword (n/a) (Spellcaster defend)
Imoen: Thief/Adventurer//1; leather armor, short bow and short sword (Karlat) (Thief defensive)
Khalid: Ranger/Archer//1; Studded Leather, Long Bow, Bastard Sword (Ogrillon) (Ranger ranged)
Jaheira: Fighter/Druid/Priestess of Silvanus/1; Studded leather, Quarter Staff, Club, (War Dog) (Druid offensive/defensive)
Mods Used: BG 5512; ToB Patch 26498; ToBEx Beta 0026; BG2 Fixpack (v)10; BGT 118; Dark Side of the Sword Coast (v)2.17; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)170; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)171; Secret of Bonehill (v)2.75; Drizzt Saga (v)3; Lure of Sirine’s Call (v)13; Thalantyr Item Upgrade; BG1 NPC Project (v)22; Indira NPC (v)10.4; Gavin NPC (v)9; BG1 UB (v)13.1; BGSpawn (v)1.12; The White Queen (v)4.1; Amber NPC (v)4; Isra NPC (v)2.1; Fade NPC (v)4.0; Valen NPC (v)45; Auren Aseph (v)9; Sarah NPC (v)3.1; Haldimir NPC (v)2; Tyris Flare (v)7; Hotfix for Gavin BG2 (v) 20; Gavin NPC BG2 (v)20; de’Arnise Romance (v)4; IEP Extended Banter (v)4.2; Viconia Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.3; Mazzy’s Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; Yoshimo Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.1; Imoen Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; BG2 UB (v)26; Chosen of Mystra BGII Subrace; SCS (v)30 (minus tactical challenges); P&P Celestials (v)5; NPC Flirt Pack (v)1.03; Romantic Encounters (v)9; Cross Banter Mod Pack for BG2II (v)15; NPC Kit Pack (v)4; Song & Silence Mod for Bards & Thieves (v)6; Divine Remix (Beta)(v)8; Paladins of Faerun Kit Pack (v)4; Sword & Fist (v)7; Rogue Rebalancing (v)4.80; BGT Tweaks (v)11; BG2 Tweak Pack (v)16; Hard Times for BGTv2.4;
Item Randomizer (v)6.8; Mega Mod Kits (v)1.01L; Level 1 NPCs (v)1.9; BP BGT Maps (v)10.2.1
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
To get to the stronghold we crossed Wilderness Lake where we encountered a single Hobgoblin, I think he was from the Leg Breaker Tribe. Not sure what he was doing out there alone. From there we had to go east to the Xvart Village, to the South Sword Coast and south through Ogre’s Reach before reaching the fortress. We were mostly unmolested although Khalid took an arrow from a Hobgoblin as we were passing though Ogre’s Reach. In fact, had we wanted to battle there we were pursued by an Ogre, one or two Ogrillons and a three or four Hobgoblins so there was plenty to be had. We managed to evade them and get Khalid to safety. Getting to Dynahier was our priority so stopping to battle would just slow us down.
Key Event: I expected more from the Gnoll Stronghold but there were very few Gnolls actually there so with the exception of Jaheira’s ugly gash, the stronghold yielded little resistance. We defeated two Ogrillons on a rickety bridge leading to the stronghold and then a couple of Gnolls with halberds guarding the stairs. We killed a Gnoll Chieftain, a Gnoll Veteran and four other Gnolls, all with halberds2, and three wild dogs and we were out of there with Dynahier. There’s more to explore there but I time is of the essence in Nashkel too. I’ll plan to double back sometime and see what else is there.
Treasure of Note: Arms and armor: Bracers of Defense AC8 (Dynahier); Scrolls:
Current Disposition: Resting at the Nashkel Inn, buying and selling at the Nashkel store
Next Steps: Investigate the Nashkel Mines
Level Up: None
Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
Merlin: Sorcerer//1; sling +1* and Quarter Staff* (Diseased Gibberling)
Minsc: Fighter/Berserker//1; Plate Mail, two-handed sword** (Two-Handed Weapon Style**) (Hairtooth) (Spellcaster defend)
Imoen: Thief/Adventurer//1; leather armor, short bow* and short sword* (Karlat) (Thief defensive)
Khalid: Ranger/Archer//1; Studded Leather, Long Bow*** and Bastard Sword* (Ogrillon) (Ranger ranged)
Jaheira: Fighter/Druid/Priestess of Silvanus/1; Studded leather, Quarter Staff* and Club*, (War Dog) (Druid offensive/defensive)
Dynahier: Mage/Invoker; Bracers of Defense AC8 with Dart*; (None)(Wizard Defensive)
Mods Used: BG 5512; ToB Patch 26498; ToBEx Beta 0026; BG2 Fixpack (v)10; BGT 118; Dark Side of the Sword Coast (v)2.17; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)170; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)171; Secret of Bonehill (v)2.75; Drizzt Saga (v)3; Lure of Sirine’s Call (v)13; Thalantyr Item Upgrade; BG1 NPC Project (v)22; Indira NPC (v)10.4; Gavin NPC (v)9; BG1 UB (v)13.1; BGSpawn (v)1.12; The White Queen (v)4.1; Amber NPC (v)4; Isra NPC (v)2.1; Fade NPC (v)4.0; Valen NPC (v)45; Auren Aseph (v)9; Sarah NPC (v)3.1; Haldimir NPC (v)2; Tyris Flare (v)7; Hotfix for Gavin BG2 (v) 20; Gavin NPC BG2 (v)20; de’Arnise Romance (v)4; IEP Extended Banter (v)4.2; Viconia Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.3; Mazzy’s Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; Yoshimo Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.1; Imoen Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; BG2 UB (v)26; Chosen of Mystra BGII Subrace; SCS (v)30 (minus tactical challenges); P&P Celestials (v)5; NPC Flirt Pack (v)1.03; Romantic Encounters (v)9; Cross Banter Mod Pack for BG2II (v)15; NPC Kit Pack (v)4; Song & Silence Mod for Bards & Thieves (v)6; Divine Remix (Beta)(v)8; Paladins of Faerun Kit Pack (v)4; Sword & Fist (v)7; Rogue Rebalancing (v)4.80; BGT Tweaks (v)11; BG2 Tweak Pack (v)16; Hard Times for BGTv2.4;
Item Randomizer (v)6.8; Mega Mod Kits (v)1.01L; Level 1 NPCs (v)1.9; BP BGT Maps (v)10.2.1
Blue Font: New information;
Red Font: Monster encounters (first use)
(Best kill)(Current AI)
1 I play that specialist mages can only place spells from their own school in their spellbook so, e.g. Dynahier, an Invoker will only have Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb and Shield in her first level spellbook. These spells are given to them by their guild as they advance in levels and become able to use spells of the next higher level. They can, however, freely use scrolls from other schools. In my games, both specialist mages and thieves belong to a guild somewhere and receive their ‘promotions’ and spells/skills from their guild master/mistress until they reach ‘name-level’ (11th level/12th level respectively), at which time they are of sufficient level to start their own guild should they wish (and potentially become a threat to their current guild master/mistress).
2 Not sure but it seems something I’ve done has reduced the number and frequency of foes I’m meeting. I have SCS installed (minus tactical challenges) but with everything else, e.g. Better calls for help, Better General AI, Smarter Mages and Clerics, etc. Normally the Gnoll Stronghold has nearly 30-40 Gnolls rather than <10. The mission was to get Dynahier so we didn’t mess with the lower caves but I suspect there will be fewer Xvarts there when we backtrack through there later. Not sure what the deal is.
Before we descended we came across a Paladin/Cavalier named Isra who was providing protection for a man who was working on a sculpture. He’d stolen two emeralds from Nashkel and was wanted there but Isra thought his intent good enough to justify protection. It turned out that a bounty hunter, Greywolf, who I’d been mistaken for in Nashkel, showed up just as we were talking to Isra and watching this man work. Greywolf became hostile and attacked us. With Isra’s help we defeated him but sadly the sculptor died just as he finished his work of art (Minsc/2). Back in the mines, we were a bit busier on the 3rd level down, destroying our first two undead, a Ghast and a Ghoul, in addition to two Huge Spiders, four Kobold Commando’s and 31 Kobolds, all with Short Bow and/or Short Swords. (Khalid/2, Dynahier/2, Imoen/3). Four levels down, we confronted the Half-Orc Cleric with 13 Kobolds, most with Short Swords, and 11 Skeleton’s. We destroyed him and his ‘minions’ and secured a decent bounty (Merlin/2). Among the Half-Orc, Mulahey’s belongings was a letter leading us to a contact of his in Beregost. The trail leads there next.
Highlighted Event: I can never let my guard down. I keep wanting to take a breath after a strenuous battle only to find another awaits me. We battled a Ghoul and two Gray Ooze before we left the mines, then had to escape some human attackers and worgs that came after us when we emerged far to the east of the mine entrance. Finally, back in Nashkel, we stopped at the temple and store before heading for the inn. As we approached, an assassin who’d was waiting out front, hailed me and attacked. We spread out and defeated him rather easily. He carried some scrolls and throwing axes so I guess he was a fighter/mage type. Like the others he also carried a letter offering him a sum of gold to kill me.
Treasure of Note: Arms and armor: Halberd +1, Short Sword +1 (Imoen), Cleric Gloves (TBD); Scrolls: Skull Trap; Gems/Gold/Jewelry: 2 Emeralds (turned in), 750gps, 102gps,
Current Disposition: Resting at the Nashkel Inn, buying and selling at the Nashkel store
Next Steps: Travel to Beregost to confront Tarnesh
Level Up:
Imoen to Footpad and Cutpurse (Thief/Adventurer//2,3) and added 50% to her Find/Remove Traps ability (90%)
Minsc to Berserker/2
Khalid to Strider (Ranger/Archer//2)
Dynahier to Greater Prestidigitator (Mage/Evoker//2) selected to memorize Chromatic Orb
Merlin to Druidic-Sorcerer/2. Can cast one additional 1st level Druid/Sorcerer spell
Jaheira to Fighter/Druid (Priestess of Silvanus) 1/2 Can cast one additional 1st level Druid spell (??????)
Current Party: (Reputation: 11 - Average)
Merlin: Druidic-Sorcerer//2; sling +1* and Quarter Staff* (Diseased Gibberling)
Minsc: Fighter/Berserker//2; Plate Mail, two-handed sword** (Two-Handed Weapon Style**) (Hairtooth) (Spellcaster defend)
NPC Closeup (Imoen)
Imoen: Thief/Adventurer//3; leather armor, short bow* and short sword* (Karlat) (Thief defensive)
Khalid: Ranger/Archer//2; Studded Leather, Long Bow*** and Bastard Sword* (Winter Wolf) (Ranger ranged)
Jaheira: Fighter/Druid (Priestess of Silvanus) 1/2; Studded leather, Quarter Staff* and Club*, (War Dog) (Druid offensive/defensive)
Dynahier: Mage/Invoker//2; Bracers of Defense AC8 with Dart*; (None) (Wizard Defensive)
Mods Used: BG 5512; ToB Patch 26498; ToBEx Beta 0026; BG2 Fixpack (v)10; BGT 118; Dark Side of the Sword Coast (v)2.17; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)170; Northern Tales of the Sword Coast (v)171; Secret of Bonehill (v)2.75; Drizzt Saga (v)3; Lure of Sirine’s Call (v)13; Thalantyr Item Upgrade; BG1 NPC Project (v)22; Indira NPC (v)10.4; Gavin NPC (v)9; BG1 UB (v)13.1; BGSpawn (v)1.12; The White Queen (v)4.1; Amber NPC (v)4; Isra NPC (v)2.1; Fade NPC (v)4.0; Valen NPC (v)45; Auren Aseph (v)9; Sarah NPC (v)3.1; Haldimir NPC (v)2; Tyris Flare (v)7; Hotfix for Gavin BG2 (v) 20; Gavin NPC BG2 (v)20; de’Arnise Romance (v)4; IEP Extended Banter (v)4.2; Viconia Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.3; Mazzy’s Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; Yoshimo Friendship SoA & ToB (v)3.1; Imoen Friendship SoA & ToB (v)2.2; BG2 UB (v)26; Chosen of Mystra BGII Subrace; SCS (v)30 (minus tactical challenges); P&P Celestials (v)5; NPC Flirt Pack (v)1.03; Romantic Encounters (v)9; Cross Banter Mod Pack for BG2II (v)15; NPC Kit Pack (v)4; Song & Silence Mod for Bards & Thieves (v)6; Divine Remix (Beta)(v)8; Paladins of Faerun Kit Pack (v)4; Sword & Fist (v)7; Rogue Rebalancing (v)4.80; BGT Tweaks (v)11; BG2 Tweak Pack (v)16; Hard Times for BGTv2.4;
Item Randomizer (v)6.8; Mega Mod Kits (v)1.01L; Level 1 NPCs (v)1.9; BP BGT Maps (v)10.2.1
(Best kill)(Current AI)