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Any concrete word from the Devs on BG 3?

TaisharTaishar Member Posts: 27
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I know that they want to redo BG2 and maybe remaster some other games first, but I drool at the thought of BG3 with modern graphics and still the same feel!


  • drawnacroldrawnacrol Member Posts: 253
    Depends on EE sales for BG1 + 2
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    The developers have already stated that they do not have a deal to make a BG3. Such a deal really depends on the success of BGEE and BG2EE.
  • TaisharTaishar Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2012
    *crosses fingers*
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited September 2012
    FAQ said:

    Will there be a Baldur's Gate 3?
    We are pursuing the idea.

    It is depending on how successful BG:EE and BG2:EE will be. The more successful - The higher the chances we will see BG3, nothing is certain.

    Other than that, Beamdog stated numerous of times that they want to make Baldur's Gate III. Phillip Daigle even posted a poll about it:


  • JaxsbudgieJaxsbudgie Member Posts: 600
    It would be difficult to decide on when it would be set. Setting it after the events of ToB would probably benefit BG3 the most, since they'd have a backlog and wealth of knowledge to draw upon and reference. Could be nice to import your end of game ToB save (or choose one of three pre-determined endings in-game if you don't have one) into the very beginning just to take the choices of what your PC did, who died, who was romanced etc, to then reference these choices early on (and perhaps in dribs and drabs throughout the game as non-plot related Easter eggs you could say) and then dump them so the story can progress on its own without having to worry too much about multiple plot lines - you have to be reasonable, and the more streamlined the story, the greater it can be in both depth and breadth.

    I think 2nd edition would be nice, even though I think 3rd edition is a lot more 'solid' and ... everyone's favourite word on these forums - 'balanced'. No fucking way should it be 4th edition, that shit is like that Xzibit meme, yo dawg I heard you like video games so I put a video game system in your video game system so you can video game while you video game.

    I read somewhere that someone at DnD HQ is thinking of opening up the world of the Forgotten Realms with 5th edition, allowing players to set their campaigns whenever they want (whilst using 5th edition) without having to worry about the wanky Spellplague, which actually, I have to tip my hat to, since it did kill off all of Drizzt's fuckwad companions, terrible shame it didn't kill off Drizzt either. God he's such a chump!

    Sooo yeah, wait, what were we talking about again?
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