Backstabbing Questions

Can anyone tell me if dual-wielding, or using an item which grants you an extra attack (such as Belm in BG:2) enables you to backstab more than once before stealth breaks? Or are you restricted to one backstab regardless?
When they release BG2 I think there was a high level ability that let you back stab for every attack for a full round.
Yes I thought as much. I had read a guide on GameFAQs that mentioned the scimitar Belm would provide you with 2 backstabs in the round and I thought that was a mistake. It had me wondering then though, if it were true, and if dual-wielding would also offer the same benefit.
With what weapons can a Fighter/Thief backstab? Is it only with swords or can other weapon types also be used?
So essentially your attacks cycle, and in the above situation you might have only performed 7 attacks during the last battle.