Improve Wizard Slayer

(Reddit request by thschutt)
The Wizard Slayer is a very cool concept but is an extremely underpowered class-kit. It receives only +1% magic resistance per level. Even at level 20, a Wizard Slayer would only have +20% magic resistance. In comparison, a Monk receives +3% magic resistance per level, so at level 20 they would have +60% magic resistance. Bioware did try to buff the Wizard Slayer a bit for the epic levels above 20 by adding some extra magic resistance, but it is very irregular, so having a steady, consistent progression for all levels would be a better idea, say +2% or maybe +3% magic resistance per level. Their spell interruption effects are solid.
The Wizard Slayer is a very cool concept but is an extremely underpowered class-kit. It receives only +1% magic resistance per level. Even at level 20, a Wizard Slayer would only have +20% magic resistance. In comparison, a Monk receives +3% magic resistance per level, so at level 20 they would have +60% magic resistance. Bioware did try to buff the Wizard Slayer a bit for the epic levels above 20 by adding some extra magic resistance, but it is very irregular, so having a steady, consistent progression for all levels would be a better idea, say +2% or maybe +3% magic resistance per level. Their spell interruption effects are solid.
Post edited by Anton on
[–]williamimm 3 points 1 month ago
Wizard Slayer Rebalancing by aVENGER (same guy as RR and aTWEAKS) has done a great job at fixing the Wizard Slayer while sticking true to the original idea.
[–]kutovy 1 point 7 days ago
+1! In its current state this kit is rubbish. Wizard Slayer Rebalancing mod is a good example of what can be done.
''say +2% or maybe +3% magic resistance per level''
Yeah I'd say 3%. Not being able to use any magic items besides weapon and armor is a huge disadvantage so it needs to be a significant boost.
I'd like to see what overhaul can come up with to make this class more compelling.
Either he uses magical stuff with no restrictions, or he uses none imo. And since BG is a game filled with magical stuff, no one in their right mind will play a character that can't use any of the goodies... to fix this class, the concept itself needs to change abit, give him another drawback and let him use whatever items he wants. And yes, the spell failure ability really does nothing.. maybe if it applied to ranged attacks, but as it stands, no.
Maybe even allow wizard-slayers to use fully magical armour until they wish to turn this ability on? Or maybe have the class effect disable the enchantment effects of gear, but still allow you to wear them as vanilla armour? I think that would be the neatest solution, if the engine supports it and it doesn't take a ton of work (i.e. the game data actually specifies on an item whether a bonus is due to an enchantment effect).
Hmm, in fact doing it in reverse is possible now... if you wielded carsomyr it would be sick. The strongest build is probably the above, though...
For your consideration:
Special Benefits:
Protection from Evil: As a result of the treatment from his elders, the Wizard Slayer radiates a protection from evil aura to a distance of one foot. The aura is constant and permanent; it otherwise acts exactly as the 1st level priest spell.
Know Alignment: A Wizard Slayer can use this ability at will by touching the targeted creature, character, or object. The creature is allowed a save to resist this ability.
Detect Illusion: A Wizard Slayer has a 5% chance per level of determining that a phenomenon with illusory, visual, auditory, or other sensory components is actually an illusion. This chance can't exceed 75%. He may use this ability twice per day, but only once per phenomenon.
Detect Magic: A Wizard Slayer has a 25% chance at 1st level and a 5% bonus per level thereafter, up to a maximum of 90% to detect magic.
Attack Magical Creatures: A Wizard Slayer can strike at magical creatures normally immune to nonmagical weapons. At 4th level he can strike as a +1 weapon, he gains an additional +1 for every even number level after that, up to a max of +5 at 12th level.
The Wizard Slayer gains a magic resistance of 2% per level. Whenever a Wizard Slayer hits an opponent a 25% spell failure is applied to the target. This percentage is cumulative.
Special Hindrances:
No Magic Items: Unable to use any magical items except melee weapons.
Furthermore, a 12th level character with +5 weapons may be overpowered.
But yeah, at least that ability would grant them something interesting.
And make Valygar a Wizard Slayer, I mean really...
I believe most of us will agree that it's the worse fighter kit,worse even than plain fighter as the magic resistance bonus is good but only starts showing it late game,and the 10% cumulative spell failure is pointless as if you're past a wizard's defenses he will die very soon and it will never have the chance to stack(it would be rare to see actual spell failure due to this ability rather than simple hits),on the other hand the inability to use any misc magical equipment is a great disadvantage,even though in paper it doesn't seem so,early in the game is no big deal tbh,but in SoA,you loose:
a)loosing acces to belts means that your strengt will not be increased unless you use Agruavadal or Crom Fayr
b)loosing acces to rings means that you loose the amazing ring of gax,along with possible ac bonuses or regeneration,also you cannot use ring of human influence
c)loosing acces to gauntlets means less thac0,even -1/2attack per round later with gloves of extraordinary specialization
d)loosing acces to amulets is arguably not that important
e)loosing acces to cloaks means less ac most likely
f)loosing acces to boots means that you cannot use boots of speed,and have to rely on mages for haste
g)loosing acces to the head slot means less ac/hp/thac0 once again(helm of balduran?)
overal a wizard slayer in the endgame will loose(depending on the player's gear choices) about 2ac,3 thac0,1/2 attack per round,~10 hp,2 damage,regenarion,various useful immunieties(poison/disease) and is stack with base stats
it seems that the kit was not designed with epic levels in mind where every slot confers significant bonuses
so what i am suggesting: remove completely the spell failure on hit bonus,i wouldn't even mind if we lost the ability to wield/specialize in ranged weapons(though it makes no rp sense) in order to be able to wear a limited amount of magical items: 1 ring maybe? or 2 items max?
Also, as it is Inquisitors are much better wizard slayers than wizard slayers. That seems kind of odd.