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How long would it take to re-create all lost content?

GriegGrieg Member Posts: 507
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
I mean to create HD version of BG, I mean for example re-creation all lost models of NPCs and monsters, or re-creation of all locations in BG, I have no idea about making such things so can't imagine if it is even possible in such short period.

It would be pretty reasonable to make such if you would like to create different games using the same engine.
So my question to somebody who knows about creating 2D/3D models:
Is it possible that BG models will be re-created within 2months?


  • ZwiebelchenZwiebelchen Member Posts: 86
    Definitely not. Trent said something about the team only consisting of like 10-15 people.
    If anything, only 1 or 2 of them would be modeling artists ...

    However, I could imagine that it would be possible to create totally new character and monster sprites for BG2:EE. There ARE a lot of different monsters in BG2, but the amount is not so big as that this work would take ages, even for a small group of modellers.

    I'd love to see new animated sprites (or even real 3d models on the 2d background of the Infinity engine) ... I don't think they will do it, but they say hope dies the last.
  • GriegGrieg Member Posts: 507
    edited September 2012
    Thanks for the very quick answer.
    Nothing is as simple as it looks at first sight. So that means that there won't be re-created models and/or areas.
    I only hope that GUI won't take much time so other things will be worked on. GUI is such silly thing.

    So not making graphics and instead making better content is actually great news. In those few months already the game was made pretty much polished with so many things fixed. So next 2 months will make this edition one of a kind.

    It is pretty good news.

    Edit: I have also found some estimated amount of frames: 108 420. If somebody likes numbers.
    Post edited by Grieg on
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162
    About this long

    "Stretches out arms"
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    About this long

    "Stretches out arms"

    So it's true, then. Mr. Fantastic is a real person. :)
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