Join the Baldur's Gate Discord Server! Includes LFG Channel!

in Multiplayer
Discord is a growing communication platform for gamers which feels like a combination of IRC and Teamspeak. It is free, quick to get started, and easy to use.
I have started a Baldur's Gate server which you can join with this link:
This will put you directly into the general channel where you can talk about Baldur's Gate to your heart's content. Feel free to invite any and all Baldur's Gate fans/enthusiasts to join the server.
I set up a second channel alongside the general channel: LFG. For those interested in finding a group to play with or if you just need one more person for your party, check out the lfg channel here:
As time goes on the server will likely evolve (should it be renamed to an Infinity Engine server and have a channel for each game?), but this felt like a good starting point.
There are some protections to prevent abuse of the channels/server, so vetted users will have more permissions than those who join for the first time. If any user wishes to have their permissions restrictions lifted, let me know.
See you there!
I have started a Baldur's Gate server which you can join with this link:
This will put you directly into the general channel where you can talk about Baldur's Gate to your heart's content. Feel free to invite any and all Baldur's Gate fans/enthusiasts to join the server.
I set up a second channel alongside the general channel: LFG. For those interested in finding a group to play with or if you just need one more person for your party, check out the lfg channel here:
As time goes on the server will likely evolve (should it be renamed to an Infinity Engine server and have a channel for each game?), but this felt like a good starting point.
There are some protections to prevent abuse of the channels/server, so vetted users will have more permissions than those who join for the first time. If any user wishes to have their permissions restrictions lifted, let me know.
See you there!
Hey - I was wondering if you might consider changing the Server Name to something more generic so that it does not seem limited to BG or BG2. Perhaps "Forgotten Realms - Beamdog" or "Forgotten Realms Enhanced". Also, would you mind making more channels (especially in the voice area) as my father, a few friends and I are planning to start a campaign soon and do not want to use the only voice channel on the server.
If you need help managing the server, let me know. I am pretty much on Discord every day.
I am "Feryk" on Discord.