Nalia Tweaking Suggestions

I am going to do another run of BG2 with Nalia included in the party, but since I don't like her "inferior Imoen" status I decided to EEkeeper her so that she is more unique compared to other NPCs.
Is there any suggestions on class/level combos or other unique stuff that could be added (and is consistent with her background)? I would like to not touch stats or things like that, since I am doing it more for RP reasons than character power.
I am going to do another run of BG2 with Nalia included in the party, but since I don't like her "inferior Imoen" status I decided to EEkeeper her so that she is more unique compared to other NPCs.
Is there any suggestions on class/level combos or other unique stuff that could be added (and is consistent with her background)? I would like to not touch stats or things like that, since I am doing it more for RP reasons than character power.
Higher level of thief dualled into mage-maybe kitted swashbuckler, she is foppish and kinda loves to show off by helping others.
Bard-although none of the kits make much sense. Again knock spell is a must.
Fighter/mage/thief-illegal multi for a human but her father is an epic fighter, she sneaks and picks locks, and is well educated from the books.
Even more illegal shenenigans, Fighter/thief dual, EEkeeped to get use any item early, to simulate usage of mage scrolls. She can use most spell scrolls thanks to her education.
It should be noted that I use Rogue Rebalancing to make the Bard kit more interesting for gameplay purposes.
Knock, invisibility, etc. Pick thief-esque spells that let you explain how she sneaks out. Because her thief skills are so damned sub-par it's not like you would miss anything.
As a thief/Mage I never take her
If she were a sorceress then she'd be in a good number of my runs.
Nalia as Bard would sound interesting, Bard has Pickpockets skills and mage spells yeah?
There is no sensible reason Nalia should know how to backstab. On the other hand, she could have very easily taken up fencing lessons to make her more competent as a fighter.
She's the daughter of a great warrior, it's a lame excuse for a kit but at least it is an excuse.
Nalia already has all the tools you need to beat the De' Arnise Keep quest, she doesn't need to be a Sorceress to do that. Just don't forget to let her scribe Haste.
Anyway if you think Nalia should be different just because you don't like having two NPCs with the same class then just make her a specialist mage. It makes sense that she went that extra mile with regards to her magical studies.
I think Nalia lacks the flair to pull off being a Sorceress, and the fact that she does her damndest to excel at her magical studies comes up a few times. Once you reach ToB, in particular, she becomes a lot more grounded and methodical.
I can't imagine her being a bard. She's too naive/inexperienced in SoA, and too driven in ToB.