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Throwing Kensai

VycamrosVycamros Member Posts: 3
Are there any existing mods that allow Kensai to use throwing daggers and axes like in Baldur's Gate? I exported my Black Pits team over to IWD and my Kensai/Thief can't use thrown weapons now. Thanks!


  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    You're right, that's weird. I don't know if it's a bug because Kensaï aren't supposed to use projectile weapons.
    Anyway, it would be quite easy to mod. Said weapons restriction just need to be unflagged for the class.
  • VycamrosVycamros Member Posts: 3
    Are there any tutorials for doing this? I'm not familiar with modding at all.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    I find that odd, I made a throwing dagger+1 in IWDEE and my kensai was able to use it no problem, but this "throwing dagger +1" can also be used as a melee weapon so that might make things work, now when it comes to throwing axes, are you talking about the throwing axe+2 that can also be used as a melee weapon, or just plain old throwing axes? I would almost bet that the kensai can use the throwing axe +2 because it also has that "melee" option as well

    and I think that is the kink here, kensai's can only use throwing weapons if they have a melee counterpart to that very same weapon as well
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    @sarevok57 No, I thought that also but Kensaï can use normal throwing daggers in BG.
  • AbelAbel Member Posts: 785
    edited March 2016
    Vycamros said:

    Are there any tutorials for doing this? I'm not familiar with modding at all.

    You can look for 'item modding'. You'll fin a file attached to this post. Just extract everything in your override folder (typically: C:\Program Files (x86)\Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition\Data\00798\override). I used Near Infinity to edit. Only the Lover dagger needed modding as it's not in BG. The other items I just exported from this game (Kensaï and Cavalier classes are unchecked for unusability).
  • VycamrosVycamros Member Posts: 3
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