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Confirmation needed on previous savegames

GriboeGriboe Member Posts: 47
I'm 90% sure I know the answer but I just wanna be completely sure.
The Berserker I rolled 92 on this week will not "receive" 2.0 changes in his savegame, right? I'll need to start a new game once the patch is out and roll a new charname.


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The short answer is sort of.

    Your character won't, himself, be altered by the v2.0 changes. However, any spells or special abilities or items that your character uses will be updated. In addition, any areas you've already visited will be unchanged, meaning that a quest that's already broken in your current save will remain broken, and so on.

    The reason that some things are affected but not others has to do with the resources that are contained in your save, versus the resources that are merely referenced. Resources that are stored in the save remain the same because they're not part of the game's internal data. Resources that are referenced get pulled from the internal data when you load that save.
  • GriboeGriboe Member Posts: 47
    Oh, great!
    It did however just dawn on me that I'm of course using the NPC Project mod so there's likely bound to be an issue or two there :(
    Thanks for the fast reply, @Dee
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,416
    You'd have to uninstall and reinstall NPC Project, which means a lot of strings will be in different entries, and you'll get a lot of incorrect string references throughout the game, especially for areas and characters you've already visited/recruited.
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