Any 1st Ed. AD&Ders Still Out There?

I'm talking Unearthed Arcana weidling, Level Limit using, Giant-Class Bonus Ranger, 1st Ed. folks? Just curious. It's all I played in college until later on when we got into 2nd Ed. Still got my 1st Ed Player's Handbook Autographed by Gary Gygax. Heh.
It really did need expanding to be a good rules system. I think Gygax hit his stride with the 2nd edition.
The module was really just a loose collection of dungeons, with a young red dragon at the end of the last one - 3rd level characters against a dragon. A lot of those pre-printed modules were disasters of balance and monty-haul treasure inflation. That's why most good DM's wrote their own material, and probably still do.
Did you know that there's a NWN2 mod on the NWN Vault that duplicates the Keep on the Borderlands module almost perfectly? I played it once, and it really was just like playing through the module.
Isle of Dread would have been great to see in a game too - it was the first "Expert" module. How cool would it be to go up against dinosaurs? Sort of a "Lost World" feel to it.
Classic Adventures is working on resurrecting a lot of the older modules, including Castle Amber and Palace of the Silver Princess. It is worth checking out.
NWN2 itself though, is worth playing. It has a good, memorable cast of NPC's, and plays a lot like Dragon Age:Origins, or even BG. It has tactical party play like BG, although it's not as good, and has many flaws.
I would place NWN2 as much better than NWN1, and not quite as good as DA:O. Nothing is as good as BG.
I started with 1st edition when I was 11 years old. I remember cracking open the books and feeling an instant connection - the game just served as the perfect outlet for my youthful imagination. Played every edition since, but there's nothing quite like that first game.
Haven't played PnP for quite awhile, unfortunately. I'd be interested to try out Pathfinder, since I've heard good things. I wouldn't turn down the chance to play in a 1st Edition campaign (if it fit my schedule).
Anyhow B5, Horror on the Hill, has a very large dungeon with a trapped Red Dragon of... sub-adult? Age at the end of it. I just checked. They don't say it's a sub-adult, but it's 7 hit dice and 22 hit points.
And because of that I wanted to play a multi or duel class Ranger Mage but the rules never allowed for it.