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What to do with a BG virgin?

TarquinTarquin Member Posts: 41
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
So now that we have 2 more months to plan our BG:EE exploits (I'm looking at this as a positive!), I thought I would toss this question out there...

I loved BG and BG2 and did several play throughs (my favorite character was a paladin), but I haven't played either one in probably 8-9 years. Needless to say, in the 14 years since I played BG1 in high school, a few things in my life have changed, and today I would love to introduce my wife to BG. She's not been a big video gamer at all (other than WoW), but she has a lot of pen and paper roleplaying experience. She also has read many of the Forgotten Realms books, so has a solid foundation on that side of things

Any thoughts as to the best way to get her started with BG:EE? Should she start off single player? Multiplayer (I've never done multiplayer BG, but it sounds interesting)? I'm planning on buying for both Mac and iPad, so I guess the ideal platform is up in the air...

While I'm very excited to play BG again, I'm almost more excited for those who haven't played before! Any pertinent experiences with BG virgins?



  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    It would probably be best to pick a platform that she's comfortable with. I strongly favor PC gaming over any kind of Console because all my friends are online and I have a hard time staying in touch or playing with them on consoles.

    Similarly, if she's more comfortable or more likely to play it on an iPad while riding the train or waiting for the kids to get out of school or something, I'd go that route. If she prefers playing on her regular computer I'd go that route.

    I would help her make a character just because the rules doesn't mesh 100% with the different versions of D&D that've been out.

    And point out how important ranged weaponry is and how to kite mobs. Once you learn that the game moves from frustratingly hard to challenging.
  • SerephSereph Member Posts: 23
    I'm planning on playing with a 5 person group (myself included), three of which will all be BG virgins, and I just plan on having them all play through Candlekeep in single player before our first game together. I want them to get a handle on the beginning of the story without the distraction of idle chatter, and I also want them to be able to use the UI without from scratch instructions.

    One suggestion I would make for you specifically, since it will just be the two of you, is to let her take the leader role, control all the dialogue and things like that, if only because you've experienced the story before and will likely easily remember what happens where as it gets going.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    OH! Here's something important: Dragging a friend through a game can totally ruin the experience. I know from experience. Blah~ So I heartily second Sereph's comment. Try and be unobtrusive and let her take charge unless she's struggling.
  • KosonKoson Member Posts: 284
    I'd say to let her play single-player, as this is the way BG saga was intended to be played. By multi-playing she'd lose part of the party banter - true, less of a problem in BG1, but IMO quite a loss in BG2 - if she is interested in that aspect of the game.
    If you want to play together in multi-player, try IWD 1 & 2.
  • BG2BG2 Member Posts: 19
    I agree with Koson. Playing multiplayer without first experiencing the game solo is not the best way for her to enjoy the game. I know you're excited to share in her discovery of the wonderful experience that we all had when the game first came out, but you'd really be doing her a great dis-service if you guide her or otherwise taint the experience with multiplayer. Same with Sereph. This is not NWN.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    we were all bg virgins at one point. let her try it on her own and see how she likes it :)
  • TarquinTarquin Member Posts: 41
    Cool, thanks everybody for the advice! Seems like it's pretty much unanimous...BG the way it was intended!
  • ZinodinZinodin Member Posts: 153
    Here's how university professors recommend you introduce games. They're in the game developement industry. The video is 5 mins long with great tips.

  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    lol, that was awesome, i lol'd many times, but when they showed atari et while saying 'greatest game ever' i lost it for a second :P
  • TarquinTarquin Member Posts: 41

    Great video!
  • NWN_babaYagaNWN_babaYaga Member Posts: 732
    let me see... no better not:D
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