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BG2 - More Enemy Encounters

ryu1ryu1 Member Posts: 76
edited September 2012 in Archive (Feature Requests)
I think there should be more areas in the BG2 World Map. It's a little shame that for such an explorational game, there's few areas to travel to which results in like 3 enemy encounters in total! Should be more!!!


  • killeahkilleah Member Posts: 124
    I think we will see more, and if we wont, then you can be sure that once the huge array of mods are converted to ee standard you can litterally drown yourself in encounters and areas to explore.

    I did a time count on my latest BP bg/bg2/tob - with 50+ mods, playthrough - 2143 hours, and I had to skip areas and quests due to broken issues with missing compability (not that many though)

    this game is epic in size once you add the modded content, bigger than everything out there, ever.
  • ryu1ryu1 Member Posts: 76
    2143 hours is quite a long time! I don't particularly like encounters a lot (they used to piss me off loads in BG1 when my party were heavily injured and I to travel days to find an inn to rest). But it did make the game more realistic which I loved!
  • ChrisYuiChrisYui Member Posts: 94
    The worst was in BG1 when I first played and was waylaid by ettercaps. Had no idea there'd be 1-3 web traps everywhere.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    I agree with you assessment of the world map. The BG2 world map always looked pretty empty. Even if there weren't additional quests that directly linked to there from Athkatla, I think it would be much more fun if there were more levels in the middle of the map. They could have their own quests that you find by exploring your way there, just like in BG1. I think the Underdark should also be expanded, so that there are more caverns you can travel through with additional adventures, and possibly alternative ways out to the surface.

    As for being waylaid by enemies more often. I have mixed feelings on that. In some instances I find it fun, but it also tends to happen when I'm trying to do something quickly or have injured party members. Perhaps it could be a rare occurence on the novice skill level and gradually increase so that you got waylaid almost every time while playing on insane?
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,644
    Hey, BG2's world encounters are better then IWD... Oh wait there are none in IWD, even though you're travelling right by the Spine of the World and there's an evil force that's marshaling monsters... no worries, you shall not be bothered in your travels :-P
  • ryu1ryu1 Member Posts: 76

    Perhaps the evil force was hoping the party would have been killed off by avalanches 0_0
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    I think that especially Trademeet should have a bunch more outdoor areas surrounding it and quests connecting those areas to it being present.
  • ryu1ryu1 Member Posts: 76
    I don't think the extra areas have to contain multi-level dungeons/caves etc, just typical surface-level areas like in BG1 with perhaps a few quests in.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited October 2012
    ryu1 said:

    I think there should be more areas in the BG2 World Map. It's a little shame that for such an explorational game, there's few areas to travel to which results in like 3 enemy encounters in total! Should be more!!!

    I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for, but if you are asking for more area's on the world map, I entirely agree. I think BG2 was an OK game, but Bioware really took the exploration aspect out of it and made the game much more linear in where you can go, relative to BG1.

    I believe that proper role playing games should give the players the ability to explore wherever they want, when they want, leaving content difficulty to steer them down the path they need to take. BG1 handled that perfectly. BG2 completely took out the exploration between main area's and just gave you the meat & potatoes - without an appetizer.

  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    just 3-4 additional outdoor areas, around some of the towns would do wonders for that aspect of the game
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I'm thinking of starting a request thread on this forum:
    "Generic request: More of everything"
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I agree, BG II world map is bad explored in comparison to BG, and the map variety was one of the main issues that make BG a success.
  • reedmilfamreedmilfam Member Posts: 2,808
    I always thought that the intent was to add expansion areas to BG2, but it never came to fruition. Not sure. Possible that people complained about the plot-irrelevant areas to south of BG map and they listened to that input. As in Catch-22, damned if you do or if you don't.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    @reedmilfamPosts, agreed, but now BG EE probally will fix that, Rasaad quests apparently happens in the cloud peak mountains now.
  • ryu1ryu1 Member Posts: 76
    Usually exploration is done because of plot-irrelevant areas. I like to visit areas where I'm not bound by a major quest, otherwise it becomes very linear like in the original BG2. Don't know why people complained about it, maybe they wanted to be told where to go constantly...? 0_0
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