Help me find equipment to fit this character, a Fey-themed Gnome Bard (Jester).

So as stated in another thread I'm going to run Piro, my Fey-themed Gnome Bard (Jester), through BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE, and ToB.
What are some of the equipment that fits this fey-bard character? I know I can get all the cool instruments as well as the Pixie Prick dagger. Anything else I should be on the lookout for? Also how effective is the Pixie Prick as a primary weapon?
I want to for sure get the bard hat in SoD which hopefully will carry over into BG2:EE so I can fight and sing at the same time.
I was looking and it seems there are very few bucklers, should I invest in single-weapon fighting?
What are some of the equipment that fits this fey-bard character? I know I can get all the cool instruments as well as the Pixie Prick dagger. Anything else I should be on the lookout for? Also how effective is the Pixie Prick as a primary weapon?
I want to for sure get the bard hat in SoD which hopefully will carry over into BG2:EE so I can fight and sing at the same time.
I was looking and it seems there are very few bucklers, should I invest in single-weapon fighting?
On top of my head, the only fey themed item that isn't designed to slay fey is the Nymph Cloak. Perhaps there's more in SoD on that front.
Always wondered what a jester play through might be like... Imagining lots of invisibility spells and greater malison, along with maximum use of his bard spell.
Extremely so. The Pixie Prick is one of the most underrated weapons in all BG2. It's practically Celestial Fury in dagger form.
anyone tested this?