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Enhanced Editions on Kickstarter?

KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
All us here on the forums are huge fans of the old RPGs like BG, IWD and Planetscape: Torment. The whole act of signing up for these forums and participating in discussions show dedications to the genre and a wish to see either the old games get remade, or new games of the like.

A few days ago Obsidian Entertainment launched a project on kickstarter called Project Eternity. It took them around 30 hours or so to gather the 1.1 million dollars they had as aim, and they are now going strong towards the stretch goals.

The Project Eternity is supposed to be a return to the very values that we all love about the isometric RPG, the story telling, the game mode and the immersion in a fantasy setting.

But, this post is not really to talk about Project Eternity, I just used it as an example and proof that there is interest in this genre and that the people interested, are able and ready to throw money at it, to see it succeed.

So my question is really. Would you like to see any of the planned Enhanced Editions of the Infinity Engine games, show up as kickstarter projects, and why? Or why not?

Personally I think that the more focus we get on these kind of games, the better. So even though the Enhanced Editions and fx the Project Eternity are both games competing for the same customers, I think that they can help each other create more focus on the fact that there is a market for these games, and that its seriously under supplied at the moment.

It’s probably too late to utilize the kickstarter option for the BGEE and BG2EE games, but I would love to see it used for the other games in the series, the IWD games and Planetscape: Torment.
Simply because giving the developers more funds will, in most cases, result in a better product for us, the customers, to enjoy.

But that’s my opinion, what do you people think?


  • ShinShin Member Posts: 2,344
    Not sure if kickstarter is the place/thing for an enhanced edition-game given that a lot of the content is based on what the modding community has already produced.
    If there's ever a BG3 though, kickstarting it would seem like a decent idea.. the main issue being that the expectations on such a game would be astronomical, and different people would likely want different things out of it.
  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455
    As I understand it there is a problem with a kickstarter because still you have too many companys involved.. Atari have the rights on the brand Baldur's Gate, Wotc on the settings, Bioware on the IE.. Im sure someone will explain this, unless Im wrong.
  • junk11junk11 Member Posts: 117
    EE or any remake isn't suitable for kickstarter as the development team needs to listen to the "company" or publisher...rather than communicates with fans openly.
    unless the team buys all the rights, then it shouldn't and wouldn't happen...(eg. Wasteland and shadowrun)
  • KharasKharas Member Posts: 150
    I imagine that the contract mess would be the biggest problem to any of these games showing up on kickstarter. And I think that its a shame. The recent succes of Project Eternity show that this kind of game have a huge following, and that the following is ready to back up their word with cash.

    And if Obsidian Entertainment can do it, then im sure any of the other classic development studios could do the same.
  • Jean_LucJean_Luc Member Posts: 228
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I agree, @Jean_Luc; unless the kickstarter funds were being used to totally remake the game from scratch, using the content but none of the engine, I'd much rather that this kind of effort be spent on new IP to show the industry what the fans are looking for.
  • TalvraeTalvrae Member Posts: 315
    I Don't see the need, since if BG:EE is sucesfull they will have the mean to the others if they want too
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