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Some sort of well implemented world map portal.

georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
This would be cool. Of course one shouldn't be able to use it in combat or places where you can't sleep etc. But having to travel back up to the top of a dungeon is tiresome.


  • UlysissUlysiss Member Posts: 18
    You could quite easily achieve something similar to this by enabling the CLUA Console and using Ctrl + J to teleport. You could just jump to the edge of the map and zone out.
  • georgelappiesgeorgelappies Member Posts: 179
    Ok, cool didn't know that thanks ;) Still I think an intuitive button in the UI will be cool though. Will prevent one from 'running away' from a tough fight. It should just be there for returning to world map from bottom of dungeon or center of large map.
  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    I must say 'nay' to this one. The teleporting stone (or whatever it was called) was the biggest of all the reasons why I didn't like NWN1. The linear dungeons that always ended with a convenient escape door used in DA:O hold similar place in my heart. Sure it was convenient. Sure it shortened the time I played this particular adventure, and I could hop on to another. On the other hand, it was too convenient, to the point of becoming boring AND annoying. And I always felt like it cut the adventure in half. "There and back again" - that's the essence of adventuring for me. Giving me a short way out right after killing the 'boss' felt like cheating, cutting the adventure in half, and, to be honest, it made both me and the 'boss' look like morons. I mean why set up/fight through a maze full of traps and monsters, if there is a way to the 'boss' that is literally just an unguarded flight of stairs?

    I know that trudging back to the top of the dungeon can be tiresome - on the other hand, it gives you an opportunity to search the areas you might have left unexplored on your way down, and who knows, maybe you'll find something or someone on your way who wasn't there before? I admit that this possibility isn't used much in games in general, and even in BG I can only recall one such case - (SPOILER!) when Saemon Havarian met you half way on your way back through the Spellhold, but it could be used in so many interesting ways. (E.g. someone set a trap at the very entrance while you were busy clearing the dungeon. Part of a wall collapsed, revealing a hidden treasury, or releasing a horde of undead guardians... possibilities are endless).

    I say 'nay' to ingame teleporter. I feel it would take away from playability, rather than adding to it.
  • GriegGrieg Member Posts: 507
    I liked design of the Nashkel mines. There was no such problem, but in some other places...

    @Syntia13 you like it when it is hard where can be easy? I mean there is pretty easy solution of that case often used in Knights of the Old Republic, there was usually a guy implemented into the story and when you talked to him you could instantly make all way back. It is very simple and clever way to deal with the problem. Obviously it can't be implemented everywhere in that manner but still is better solution than nothing.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I thought it was very clever when, after taking the shortcut exit from the Nashkel mines, you were attacked by assassins. Because of course there's going to be somebody waiting there. :)
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I'm all for useable ingame portals in BG:EE if they lead my CHARNAME into Sigil!

    Just sayin'.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    This actually wouldn't be a bad thing to implement, assuming it used the Teleport spell as written. You know: level 5 spell, chance of error, can only bring you to somewhere you've already been...

    You could use it to travel between areas, or to get out of a dungeon, or to bring your party across a map you've already traveled. And it would cost a level 5 spell slot, which means one less level 5 spell you can carry around with you.

    All in all, it has limited utility for how much it costs you, but for players who want to use it, it would be worthwhile.
  • ScarsUnseenScarsUnseen Member Posts: 170
    Aosaw said:

    I thought it was very clever when, after taking the shortcut exit from the Nashkel mines, you were attacked by assassins. Because of course there's going to be somebody waiting there. :)

    Not only that, but it was a lot less convenient than what the OP is asking for because it dumped you in the middle of nowhere, rather than back at the mine entrance. I'm with @Syntia13 on this one: too much convenience can be a bad thing. Compare Morrowind to Oblivion. Despite being bigger in terms of square mileage, Oblivion felt tiny in comparison because of the fast travel and quest compass.
  • MilochMiloch Member Posts: 863
    A rough equivalent of the NWN portal stone is already implemented in Salk's Cursed Items mod:

    Also, Aurora's Shoes has an item that is similar but a bit more limited (you can't go anywhere, but to certain inns). You have to save up for it as well.
  • pklooppkloop Member Posts: 113
    Aosaw said:

    This actually wouldn't be a bad thing to implement, assuming it used the Teleport spell as written. You know: level 5 spell, chance of error, can only bring you to somewhere you've already been...

    You could use it to travel between areas, or to get out of a dungeon, or to bring your party across a map you've already traveled. And it would cost a level 5 spell slot, which means one less level 5 spell you can carry around with you.

    All in all, it has limited utility for how much it costs you, but for players who want to use it, it would be worthwhile.

    ToEE's circle of eight mod added teleport spell to the game..uses a Lev 5 well. You've gotta decide whether you want to burn that slot for fast travel or use it for offensive spell..

  • HexHammerHexHammer Member Posts: 288
    Teleporting would really be nice, walking back and forth in endless marathon style just kills the fun.
  • jpierce55jpierce55 Member Posts: 86
    The only time I like portals out is with very long areas, like Helm's Hold.
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