Druids & A Stupid Question

Let's get the stupid question out of the way: where can I view a list of the "400 new features?" Can you even see them all? I want to know whether they've re-balanced some of the classes from the original series. Hence the second subject of this post: druids. Druids were weak in BGII and I am hoping they've been rebalanced. Have any of the classes been rebalanced?
I actually never played BGI. I started with BGII, and when I went back to BGI I didn't enjoy it because it looked so "old." But, in BGII, druids were weak. I've beaten the game with one, but it just wasn't as powerful as many of my other characters in BGII. If I remember right, the only druid kit worth taking was the avenger, for the spells, and the rest of them were frail.
Anyone planning on playing one again?
I actually never played BGI. I started with BGII, and when I went back to BGI I didn't enjoy it because it looked so "old." But, in BGII, druids were weak. I've beaten the game with one, but it just wasn't as powerful as many of my other characters in BGII. If I remember right, the only druid kit worth taking was the avenger, for the spells, and the rest of them were frail.
Anyone planning on playing one again?
My guess is that, unfortunately, druids (esp. shapeshifters) will not be fixed in BG:EE, but I am thinking about starting BG:EE with one anyway.
I would also contest the statement that druids suck, they have their uses. It would be nice though if they did change the experience points so that they gain levels more reasonably instead of hitting that giant wall, but I'm not sure they have the authority to do that.
Worse than that, though, they aren't really a "cleric substitute." If druids could sub in for a Cleric and fulfill that role but with different play style options, more flavor, whatever, then they'd be fine. The two classes simply aren't on the same level, though. As a result, when you take a druid, you make a conscious choice to sacrifice ability for flavor.
I ended up playing a druid all the way through, and I had fun. But, it wasn't as much fun as my other play throughs. A huge part of these types of games, to me, is building my character, acquiring new powerful abilities, etc. With a druid, you're never really that pumped about anything your character can do. It's always just "oh great, that is marginally useful." Your character isn't really the star. NPC's will be doing the heavy lifting. So, my feeling was why bother?
I am admittedly something of a power gamer, at least insofar as I like to play powerful classes. I do go down the min/max road to a point as well, though I won't take it so far as to roll a fighter with 3 intelligence or whatever.
Since I've never played BGI, I'm curious about how druids handle in the early game. They better early game than they are late game? If I remember correctly from 8 years ago, druids weren't so bad right out of Irenicus's dungeon, but they got progressively worse as the levels wore on.
Totemic Druid's pet is Immune to all Normal and +1 Weapons, so in the low Magic BG:1 it kicks all kinds of ass.
The Avenger Druid gets some pretty nice spells along with some awesome shape-shifting forms.
But yeah even with BG:2's new druid spells vanilla Druid needs some love.
Druids are fine. They only get "weak" because of the nonsensical level gap between 14 and 15. It was an AD&D holdover from an arbitrary rule. If they made it so druids level-scaled alongside Clerics post-14, druids would remain viable.
They are better summoners than clerics. They have Entangle, which is just about the most underrated level 1 divine spell in history. They are legitimately different in terms of what they bring to the table with 5th level and beyond spells. They have better HLA's than Clerics.
They have access to more weapon options at the expense of armor, something that doesn't even matter once you hit Throne of Bhaal because you can easily hit -10 AC without even equipping armor. There are more leather armors which grant non-AC related bonuses.
Long story short, druids are fine. If you've never played a single-class druid and are complaining about them being underpowered, just use one for a change. Avenger and Totemic Druid are some of the most powerful kits in the entire game, to boot.
Will that level gap stay in place?
It is worth noting that in BG1, without bg2 engine, entangle is much more powerful as it is party friendly. I can't comment on how important that distinction is for early levels, as I play Tutu, but that makes it arguably an amazing spell for certain play-styles. Due to the increased saves, though, it won't likely work well without support except for early. Also, Clerics do NOT get entangle. The more you know.
By the by, I prefer slings some-days just for the range, which is important for entangle or web based strategies.
And ya, Entangle changing sure is weird ... I still don't know which I prefer
In pnp, druids had unlimited shapeshifting into almost anything the player could think of, which was probably what Gygax was thinking when he made the level 14 restriction as a balance.
In the BG2 engine, entangle does work against friends. I've never found it very useful, since archers can still fire while entangled. Web, stinking cloud, and even grease are more useful.
Honestly, I do not find clerics THAT much better than druids. The things they get over druids are all self buffs to make them deadlier in melee + resurrection. Everything else you need a divine caster to do, a druid can do, but druids are better summoners and better at disrupting mages due to their bugs.
Clerics ARE awesome and I don't want to take away from the raw power of a cleric roided up with Holy Power and Draw Upon Holy Might. Just saying druids are not THAT much behind until the nonsensical gap between level 14 and 15. Even then, once they do hit 15 they are just as on-par as a level 21 cleric (where a cleric of equivalent XP would be) in terms of spellcasting. Not as many 1st through 5th level spells, but one more 6th and five more 7th. If their thac0, saving throws and proficiency points went up as though the 7 levels they are missing out on to any other comparative class were boosted an appropriate amount, druids would arguably be better than clerics. I mean that with all sincerity.
One of these days, I'm going to make a Berzerker/Druid. Dual-class away from fighter at 9. I think it'd go swimmingly.
I think a lot of people who cry "druids are underpowered" have never legitimately given them a shot, or simply don't like thinking outside the box when it comes to strategy.
The real problem with druids doesn't emerge until late BG2. The lack of Raise Dead and Turn Undead starts to be a noticeable drawback. Further, Druids just stop leveling up completely. The Druids XP table is just plain stupid without the roleplaying elements that go were made to go with it.
I think fixing Shapeshifter was on the 'to-do' list. I don't think Shapeshifter rebalancing was planned prior to reddit AMAA, but that may change as the release date has been pushed back.
@ OP - Read this. It's a fun description of a self made BG2 party that includes a totemic Druid (and doesn't have a Cleric). She makes this oddball group sound really fun: http://www.gamebanshee.com/baldursgateii/strategies/perfectpartysoa10.php
@ Everybody - Had anyone tried a mod that rebalances the Druid progression tables? I think there are a few out there, and I've heard IWD2 uses different scaling which makes the class moe playable.
But yeah, as someone who's gone through the game with a billion different guys, druids are fine. It's just that level 14 to 15 gap where they fall behind and they pretty much catch up as soon as they gain that level. I understand they aren't everyone's cup of tea but I really enjoy druids.
I am going to go through BGtutu with a Berzerker whom I then dual-class to druid, I think, while I wait for BG:EE.
So yea, nothing to do with how those mods impacted druids.