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Questions on installing new mods

nn125nn125 Member Posts: 7
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
2 questions:

What files/directory do I meed to backup before I install mods to be able to remove mods and return to the original system?

The mods put a directory a tp2 file and a setup,exe file in the main directory. Can I delete them once the mod is installed?

Thanks in advance



  • Ulfgar_TorunnUlfgar_Torunn Member Posts: 169
    Modding can be a fun but dangerous experience. At best you discover the game in a new and exciting way. At worst you end up with an unplayable mess. One easy way to prevent the latter is to back up your game files.

    Unfortunately your first question has no easy answer. All mods act upon different files within the game, so there is no single set of files that can revert you to a mod-free state. If you're short on hard drive space you'll have to research which files are being altered in order to protect them. If not, just copy the entire game into another folder on the C:/ drive.

    As for your second question, yes you can remove the setup executable and tp2 file. Both files are only employed upon install.

    I hope this helps.
  • nn125nn125 Member Posts: 7
    I thought there was a couple of files - ie dialig,tlk,... Not sure of them all and the Override Directory
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