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Screen resolution

AcreidisAcreidis Member Posts: 3
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Hi, dunno if this was asked before, But will it support a 2560 x 1440 resolution? Im the type of player who hate playing on window mode it just ruins the experience at some point. Before I used to use bgTUTU and other mods for it to support such resolution and it looks amazing.

Would like to know if it will support it out of the box.



  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I believe the maximum resolution is 2048x1536, which is what it needs to run smoothly on the 3rd-Generation iPad. It will support that natively; anything above that you might need to use a mod for.

    That's a pretty huge monitor, though!
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581

    You know you can play at a lower (aspect ratio correct) resolution, fullscreen? That would almost definitely look better than playing in your native resolution, where characters and art appear tiny and are hard to appreciate.
  • AcreidisAcreidis Member Posts: 3
    Thanks everyone! I really appreciate it!
  • FrostikenFrostiken Member Posts: 11
    I take it that means the UI scaling isn't going to be fixed? Playing at high resolutions is abysmal because of that...
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    The UI should scale just fine. But it'll be scaled, if you're using a monitor with super-3rd Gen. iPad resolutions. Anything smaller than a 3rd Generation iPad's resolution will scale without any sort of "blurriness", as I understand it.
  • AcreidisAcreidis Member Posts: 3
    I remember using a mod to raise the resolution thats why,. I think it was BGTUTU or something else.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    You're thinking of the Widescreen mod. Incidentally, it shouldn't take too much work to make that same mod compatible with BG:EE, and the result will be something that is a little bit less eye-scratching.
  • CaerdonCaerdon Member Posts: 10
    I'll be severy disappointed if it won't support my three-year-old 30 inch 2560x1600 monitor. High-res displays are only going to get more popular, and this project was supposed to add longevity to the series...
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    You know, I used to use the widescreen mod at 1776x1000, and I've gotten to where I like to just play these older games in plain old 860x640, or whatever those default numbers are, with letterbox stripes on the sides. I don't like the zoom-out effect. It makes my toons look like ants, and it makes the cities and landscapes look like I'm looking at them from an airplane, spoiling my immersion.

    I look forward to seeing if the enhanced editions will solve this problem with the zoom tool. I am curious what the games would look like in high definition resolution while staying zoomed in on the toons.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @Caerdon the UI will still operate on a high-resolution screen; but natively it's designed with the iPad's resolution in mind.

    In any case, there is still room for patches later on that increase its capabilities on higher resolution monitors.
  • triclops41triclops41 Member Posts: 207
    So we know what the largest 4:3 rez is, any info where they list the largest 16:10 or 16:9 rez?
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    edited September 2012
    The game supports any resolution you can throw at it and I do not believe there is any hardcoded limit as to how high it can go, besides what your hardware is capable of. I haven't personally tested it with anything higher than 1920x1200 however. Would be nice if @nop could confirm.
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