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Dual-Class Help

I apologize if this is not the correct place to post this question.

Is it at all possible to achieve a level 39 Kensai / 40 Thief

XP Cap removed of course. I was just curious as I have seen a few of these before, but I seem to be stuck at 39 Kensai, 29 Thief (Looks like at 13 million experience total)

Just curious!


  • craymond727craymond727 Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2016
    I don't know if it's possible, but if you don't mind me asking, what's the point? The downtime of the character would be so great that you're essentially sticking two separate, max level characters together.

    Edit: Fair enough
    Post edited by craymond727 on
  • tyhansontyhanson Member Posts: 8
    I don't know if it's possible, but if you don't mind me asking, what's the point? The downtime of the character would be so great that you're essentially sticking two separate, max level characters together.

    Just for giggles.
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    The biggest level I got from a character I think it was a 38th level sorcerer, who I soloed through chapters 2 and 3 of SoA, then "duoed" it with Imoen (who ended up at level 31) and later with Sarevok (Who reached level 40).
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    Possible, but somewhat excruciating to do.

    Can also do 39 Swashbuckler / 40 Fighter for that matter, which is probably a tiny bit more convenient to get through (note that UAI remains active even during inactive Thief class) and fairly similar in many aspects.
  • JarrakulJarrakul Member Posts: 2,029
    I usually get to about 6 million experience per character in a six person party. Now, some experience is lost for various reasons when you solo, but roughly speaking, you should be able to get something north of 30 million total experience. That's enough to do basically whatever you want, with an experience cap remover. But I agree with others that I don't think it'd be a fun dual to actually do.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    edited March 2016
    I tried various forms of high-level dualing in various setups, and basically found nothing that would ever warrant dualing at levels beyond 13 - and even getting to 13 is not worth it in the vast majority of scenarios.

    But of course, you do what you enjoy. It's definitely an experience.
  • marzbarzmarzbarz Member Posts: 187
    I personally love the idea of duel classing but what kills it for me is that downtime after especially if you want the godlike charname hes meant to be muahaha.

    Im gonna make an avenger to berserker ( just after start of bg2 for fun/rp ) This allows one or two spells cast in 7th level spells so it works out alright in terms of what I wanted. Also can change shape while in armor and such so its just neat lol.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    someone on this forum somewhere actually went through with a level 25 swashbuckler/ level 26 fighter, ( which requires the full 8 million XP) and that character actually looked pretty badass, plus if you need gobs of XP in a pinch there is a way to do so, if that is this new update hasn't fixed it yet:

    so in yaga shura's enclave in the first entrance you can be awaken by 3 fire giants, 2 fell cats, and a fire elemental, which dishes out some sweet XP, so what you do is, chain contingency abi dalzims horrid wilting x3 enemy sited ( and if you don't have that, use chain lightning) and set 7 thief traps ( preferably the normal ones because at level 21+ they can one shot baddies, and that is very helpful)

    so you have your spells set, traps set, now its enemy spawning time, what you do is, pause the game, and mash the rest button as fast as you can, if you do it right you will continue to rest even though there are baddies on the screen, do this about 20 or 30 times and you will see that you are completely surrounded by baddies, but as soon as you unpause the game your contingencies and traps should take out all the baddies surrounding you, so you can get into a better position and then ice 'em, although one thing to look out for is the burning men, which cast panic at the beginning of battle, so try and cast remove/resist fear right away as soon as you unpause
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