Rats in Candlekeep, Seriously?
I got a Dwarven defender with a war hammer hitting these things and they are resisting 90% of my damage on Throne of Bhaal difficulty. Both my weapons have broken from hitting them a million times. Why are they resisting CRUSHING damage exactly? How was this not picked up on beta testing?
Please fix this, it's funny getting my ass kicked by rats but this is just dumb for them to resist crushing damage.
Please fix this, it's funny getting my ass kicked by rats but this is just dumb for them to resist crushing damage.
Dear journal,
I was given a quest to clear out some rats by Reevor in the storehouse today, simple enough. - Upon entering I was immediately overwhelmed by them! They came at me from all sides cornering me while i swung at them furiously with my war hammer of bad assery! The battle raged on for several hours before my weapon would break, but i was determined to finish what I began! I clenched my fists tightly and began punching at the vermin, blood being drawn by both of us before i began to succumb to my wounds! Like a coward I would retreat, barely managing to escape with my life! I am now recovering from my wounds at Candlekeep inn, my gold is running low and my spirit lies broken - I don't feel like I can go on, assassin's are out to kill me, the rats are out to kill me, I do not know if I can face what is to come outside these walls.
Honestly, I don't bother killing them in LoB mode, it's simply too time-consuming. I just Ctrl+Y them and move on with my life. Any of the regenerating familiars can tank them basically forever, so I don't exactly consider sitting in that warehouse for 10min waiting on them to die to much of a "tactical challenge."
That being said, I HIGHLY recommend going into the baldur.lua file and enabling the nightmare mode exp bonus, as it makes the advanced difficulty mode much more fun and rewarding. Unless you find enjoyment in kiting every single gibbering you encounter for several minutes over the course of the entire game. I prefer to nuke the exp cap and level more quickly, treating the Legacy of Bhaal mode more like a high-level campaign (well, you start at low-level level, but don't stay there for very long). As your characters' abilities advance to more closely match the foes, you end up with a game that feels balanced, but with more substantial enemies that actually require you to use the skills and abilities you possess. You know, rather than ending up with a bag full of potions and wands you never actually needed to use.
The issue is that the rats DR was implemented by the original developers with the assumption that they would have 1 hp, and thus that it had no mechanical impact. It was presumably an aesthetic choice to prevent the rats from being "chunked" when killed. With LoB mode that ludicrous DR increases their effective hp by a factor of 10.
In reference to Illathid's comment, the formula is (HP*3)+80. This leads to the difficulty having a flat baseline, but also gives a substantial scaling component. The result is that the strongest enemies in the game have roughly 5x the hp of enemies like shank, instead of closer to 40x in the original game.