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Full screen and no mouse cursor with BG:EE 2.0 and SoD with 2 screens

I haven't played much since upgrading to a 5K Retina iMac, with the latest OS and patches, and an external monitor and I've just updated to 2.0 for both BG2:EE and BG:EE. With BG2:EE my graphics options work provided I select the hardware mouse cursor option. However, in BG:EE and SoD, my mouse cursor is invisible with the default full screen and tiny text options (I presume), but it's visible on my secondary monitor. If I try to quit the game, the cursor will flash momentarily, enough so that I can guide it onto the quit button. So I guess the first question is how do I switch the graphic options to windowed screen and scaled UI and font from outside the game? Is this something I can edit in the .ini file? If so, what exactly do I type? That would at least allow me to investigate the mouse cursor issue, which may be something else that's fixable with the .ini file if it's related to the hardware mouse cursor option, which seems likely.

And is there any way to select what resolution to play at? Full screen with the unscaled UI is impossible to read, the sidebars, but windowed is tiny and feels very cramped. I'd be happy to use the 2560 x 1680 of my old 27" iMac as that was a pretty happy compromise, but I don't see how to do that.


  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    Do you have hardware mouse cursor on when the cursor isn't visible?

    Under graphics options, you can turn up the font size. I know that won't help in all situations, but it should make things a bit better.

    The other option is to turn on ScaleUI. This is a resolution independent view that won't be so tiny.
  • sturmvogel66sturmvogel66 Member Posts: 35
    No, hardware mouse cursor on means that I can see it in BG2:EE. The problem is that I can't get to the graphic options in SoD or BG:EE to turn it on. I know about the scale UI and font size options, the problem is that the former isn't really useful for my screen size as my 5K Retina display has a native resolution higher than the game was really designed to handle. Capping the max resolution displayed at 2560x1680 would be a workable solution, IMO. When I get a chance I'll attach a couple of screenshots to show y'all what I mean.
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    You can change the options by editing baldur.lua and setting the following:
    SetPrivateProfileString('Graphics','Hardware Mouse Cursor','1')
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