No difficulty-based damage increase
What does this mean? I only ask because on the difficulty sliders the only change stated is at higher difficulty enemies deal more damage. It doesn't say anything else changes. So if I select this option, how would difficulty still affect the game? Thanks!
Boost damage + increase the number of spawned monsters.
In my case, I put the difficulty to insane and check the option "No difficulty-based damage increase". I like epic full of monsters battles, but fighting 2x the monsters with 2x the damage is more than insane! :P It's riddiculous.
NOTE! The bonus damage is added in the console box at the end of the basic damage. e.g.
Draga: Takes 34 crushing damage from Umber Hulk (17 damage bonus)
But, there is a bug there (which is probably a miss leading info text). I'm at insane and it's supposed to be double damage. 17 is 50% of 34, so it's the hard effective damage bonus. To be honnest, 50% with twice the ennemy is fairly enough !!!
If you are so inclined, you can have both harder spawns and extra damage. Just do not check 'no extra damage' and play on insane. It may prove to be a frustrating experience in no reload, but the option is there.