Spell Checks Vs Wisdom never worked in the original game?

They worked in Icewind Dale (I think) and Icewind Dale 2 (FOR SURE...they had a dramatic effect on the game)
But can someone confirm this. I read this in another post. And I really think it's terrible if that's the case (makes magic a bit unbalanced)
But can someone confirm this. I read this in another post. And I really think it's terrible if that's the case (makes magic a bit unbalanced)
I confess, however, that I am one of the few around these parts that hasn't played IWD.
I was thinking it would make the game unbalanced for the enemies more so than the NPCS and the PC....because most spell casting really comes from you and your party.
I'd love to see WIS play a role in BG. A number of threads exist on this topic actually. Here is a big one:
For instance: Joe Fighter has save vs spells of 10. If he rolls a 10 or higher, he saves. In the case we are talking, high level combat, we reach saves of -4 or lower for maxed out people with the best saves or 1 or 2 for normal people. That is, you have to roll a -4 on a die 20 to save. With a few save penalties on very select spells, it is still technically possible to fail with a -4 but incredibly unlikely and requires a lot of set up.
As such, making your -4's become -9's just means you will be immune to all save or else spells no matter how many penalties you stack, as opposed to being immune to 99% of them. While it would help the other case, it would further make save-or-else spells completely useless late game. The best save or else spells late game have a 15% chance of working or so (35% with malison). I don't know about you, but I don't think that needs further nerfing.
EDIT: Just to be clear, Save or else spells in my mind are spells that have some sort of nasty effect if you don't save but little to no effect if you do save. That is, Wail of the Banshee is save-or-else but Horrid Wilting is not.