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Back to version 1.3

firwoodfirwood Member Posts: 5
Is it possible to revert to patch 1.3?
Can i downloand again the last version of BGEE and BG2EE?

Edit: i write the wrong patch number. Obviously the correct version of BGEE is 1.3 and not 1.4, which refer to ID.
Post edited by firwood on


  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    I second this. I regret updating to 2.0 (didn't know this was coming already now, thought this was just a minor update), this doesn't look like BG any more to me... :neutral:
  • firwoodfirwood Member Posts: 5

    I second this. I regret updating to 2.0 (didn't know this was coming already now, thought this was just a minor update), this doesn't look like BG any more to me... :neutral:

    I like the "new" edition bring to us by patch 2.x, but, like you, i like to have my original Baldur's Gate saga in enhanced version... but not so enhanced.
  • ArabaniArabani Member Posts: 25
    I third that, though I would like to keep the new content and the old ui etc.
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    If you are using Steam you can revert back to 1.3 for the older BGs in poperties>betas. Although that's not possible for SoD
  • firwoodfirwood Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2016
    I purchase all the games directly from Beamdog, and i really hope they let both 1.4 and 2.x versiona available to download.
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    edited April 2016
    I hope so too, but I fear the days with 1.3 and a seamless game on both PC and mobile units are over, at least for some time (dunno when the Android update arrives?). And I really don't care much for the new UI; having played BG since 1999 I'm a UI purist/fundamentalist... :wink:

    EDIT: Disregard the bit about incompatibility between 1.3 saves and 2.0 saves. I actually got a 2.0 save to work in a 1.3 game without any problems whatsoever. Was just dead sure that it would be impossible to transfer saves between two so different versions. And others have in fact reported problems with getting 2.0 saves to work in 1.3 games.
    Post edited by fkirenicus on
  • ThomasB96ThomasB96 Member Posts: 5
    So for now there is no way to go back to the old version for non steam players?
  • bizzyd1441bizzyd1441 Member Posts: 14

    If you are using Steam you can revert back to 1.3 for the older BGs in poperties>betas. Although that's not possible for SoD

    I tried this, but now none of my saves will load? I didn't save after I upgraded to 2.0, so the save files should be fine? Any ideas?
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    edited April 2016
    (deleted, I posted something which didn't prove true after all)
    Post edited by fkirenicus on
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586

    I always keep a backup of a previous version before downloading a new patch. I still have a version of 1.2 saved, because I didn't like some of the changes and the never-ending battle music bug that came with 1.3.

  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    edited April 2016
    I tried the Steam 1.3 reversion just for laughs.

    It crashes on gorion's ambush every single time. Numerous spells like Storm Shield also crash it. Fresh install + no mods.

    what's the point of it then?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    @SirBatince It could be that Steam's leaving behind some files that it should be clearing out. Some things to check in the local files:

    - Make sure there's no "override" folder
    - Make sure there's no "dlc" folder
    - Click "Verify Integrity of Game Cache"
    - Delete or rename "baldur.lua" in your Documents folder

    I'm assuming you're trying this on Windows. I'm also assuming that you didn't try uninstalling the game completely (including deleting the installation directory if it still exists) and installing it from scratch with the 1.3 beta option.

    In either case it's something we'll need to investigate on our end to see if there's something we can do to ensure the 1.3 beta option works as intended.
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    edited April 2016
    Thanks Dee

    but it's not just me. The third-to-last post covers it perfectly here -

    manual repairs do nothing. It's on the distributed game's side
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    edited April 2016

    Thanks Dee

    but it's not just me. The third-to-last post covers it perfectly here -

    manual repairs do nothing. It's on the distributed game's side

    More relevant link:

    Edit: As Dee said, the Delete Local Content option within Steam only removes the files that were installed by Steam, so the Override folder and other folders may remain behind, then you install the game again thinking you did a fresh install and... the mods are still there in the override folder buggering things up.
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    edited April 2016
    Yes don't worry. I've done a hard reinstall and all that jazz. Went as far as to simply delete all folders manually and start from zero.

    As pointed out by Mivsan, half the UI in the 1.3-beta is broken to hell. I've seen it too.
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