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Possible items to pickup in the chest in the castle

Is it actually the case, that you can't pick up all the items you companions had in their possesion?

Only those, which where not equipped?

I'm missing all the items my old imported BG:EE companions "had on". Ogre Strenght gloves, Baldurs armor, helmet and such. (On Ajantis in this case)

I know Rasaad has propably all his items still equipped after I first met him, but it seems from those NPCs that don't come back, all their equipped items are lost.

Is this WAD? Because that just sucks and next time i will transfer all the important stuff to the inventory before that one point in the story.


  • KampfKaninchenKampfKaninchen Member Posts: 139
    This also covers the issue observed in this thread

    Even more, it seems that imported NPCs ready to join your adventures again are missing their "equipped equipment" :D.

    Sure, it is not only the two of us who observed this?
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641

    As far as I know this is how it should work:

    After the Safehouse:
    * If the companion is a SOD Companion (i.e. Recruitable within SoD, Such as Jaheria) they should continue wearing any equipment they were wearing at the end of the SafeHouse.
    * If ANY companion (recruit-able or not) has any items in his or her inventory, they're put in the "party chest" that continues to follow you chapter to chapter in the various camps you're in. When you exit the Safehouse that party chest is near your bed.

    What I don't know is what happens to equipment worn by companions you cannot recruit in SoD (Such as Coran, etc.) I would EXPECT That equipment to appear in the party chest, however there's an argument to be made that if that companion has been wearing that equipment for years and you gave it to them, it's THEIRS and they should take it with them when they leave.

    For "safety sake" if there are items worn by a companion you can't obtain in SoD you might consider de-equipping the item before you talk with Imoen at the end of the Safehouse. :smile:
  • KampfKaninchenKampfKaninchen Member Posts: 139
    edited April 2016
    I can see the reasoning behind this and thought about it myself, but on a metalevel, this directly contradicts recruiting NPCs at lvl1 and to be able to configure their stats to your min/max liking.
    So really, either, or.

    Losing such valuable items, which you don't even in BG2 just dump in the nearest keg, is a no-go.
    I am missing all the equipment Ajantis, Alora and Yeslick were carrying. That's all the good gloves (dex, str), belts, boots, armor, weapons (Spiders Bane,Edge oftheWorld), shields and helmets.

    I could not even ask Corwin where they have gone, they simply vanished after climbing that rope. I mean, i had like 100k gp to pay Ajantis or whoever to leave those nice items behind.

    Let's not pretend anything, no CHARNAME will do this mistake a second time. No one ever.
    For the returning NPCs to keep all their items i am fine, but for the rest at least give me chance for compensation...because next time before climbing that rope, ofc everything of value will be placed so i can get my hands on it again.

    Edit: After carefully reading your response again, i come to the conclusion that this bevaviour is actually WAD (like WTF!?!), because that talking of a "safehouse" (which does not really exist) seems like beta tester instructions

  • BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212
    Has anything been decided on this yet?

    There are more topics about it I can find, but will it ever be fixed? Else I would add an entry to my scribblings that stripping off NPCs such as Coran or Kagain will be necessary before leaving Korlasz's Tomb.

    And currently I also wonder what will happen to Dorn's items since this time he's been in my party coming from BGEE. Will I be able to find his equipped items in the usual location?
  • BelfaldurnikBelfaldurnik Member Posts: 212

    And currently I also wonder what will happen to Dorn's items since this time he's been in my party coming from BGEE. Will I be able to find his equipped items in the usual location?

    They are gone!

    In the cage at Bridgefort he is without items. In the chest one can only find his original items from BGEE, not any he had equipped when leaving Korlasz' Tomb.

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