"You can import your BG2 character into Neverwinter Nights!"

Remember this loading screen tip from the original BG2? Of course, it's obvious why it was never implemented - not only was there a transition from AD&D 2e to 3e, but your character would have been at an extremely high level by the end of BG2, making a play-through of NWN a breeze.
That said, I'm curious as to what BioWare's original intent behind this "feature" was. How was the difference in levels going to be handled? Was there going to be some sort of "plot hook" to tie the BG story into NWN? Or was it simply an idea that was discarded very early on?
That said, I'm curious as to what BioWare's original intent behind this "feature" was. How was the difference in levels going to be handled? Was there going to be some sort of "plot hook" to tie the BG story into NWN? Or was it simply an idea that was discarded very early on?
There were issues due to the rules etc changes back then but there were also coding changes to take into consideration. (Full 3d vs top down) (rulesets) ect.
Think of bg series more as the hobbit series and nwn as lotr. Same world. Different plots. Can't cross char it except for camos.
Also, the only reason that I bought NWN was because of all those promises that I could import my character into it. You can imagine my disappointment/anger when I discovered that I couldn't.
That's my guess. I doubt it would have been anything fancy lol
Somewhere in the 2nd (And far better IMO) expansion, Hordes of the Underdark you come across a certain character that was instrumental to the story of the OC and that character did not recognize you, that happened even if you DID use the same character for both stories and even if you did carry with you a certain personal item of said character. Since I did in fact use the same character I can tell you it didn't reset or indeed touched him in any way.
As a result, SoU became boring as I was OP through most of it but by HotU I was level-appropriate, actually after the 1/3 it had become increasingly challenging.
The OC certainly had its rough patches, but the expansions: SOU/HOU... those were gold.
*misses Deekin*
Also, Aribeth was a paladin right? how didnt she sense the evil of the false helmites? they were all around the city and their leader was right next to her.
Or perhaps she was just so naive in thinking that there's no way a Helmite could be evil (which they can be, following Realms worshiping law.)
As for sending along a lowly low-level adventurer out to do all the good in the city, yeah, that is quite silly. There must be SOME high-level adventurers they could use to make absolutely sure.
Then there are lots of other things going on in the city... the undead, the prison break, riots... and your technically not supposed to deal with those. You are supposed to get the creatures and get back. But these problems happen to be in your way, so your like "no worries everyone, I got this."
I think canonically, the mercenaries also played a stronger role than we really saw. In later expansions, they helped save the city. In the OC, all except one is sitting in the bar on their thumbs.