Need help with shaman script settings

Ive been playing the new shaman class for a while now, and having started to get the offensive spells. Writhing fog, Call lightning and creeping doom. But I am struggling with finding a script that actually starts him on casting things, with those ive tried so far he just goes in melee or stands passive.
Even under advanced AI, only checking the offensive/defensive spells buttons sees him dive right into melee. But ive noticed that shamanic dance is covered by the bardsong button, which was useful in the beginning levels when he had like no spells. But with the dance still having a chance to summon weak summons even as you gain improved versions of it, id want him to be more about proper spellcasting. Which is my problem here.
Even under advanced AI, only checking the offensive/defensive spells buttons sees him dive right into melee. But ive noticed that shamanic dance is covered by the bardsong button, which was useful in the beginning levels when he had like no spells. But with the dance still having a chance to summon weak summons even as you gain improved versions of it, id want him to be more about proper spellcasting. Which is my problem here.