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Forcing a NPC in Party to become hostile and attack the protagonist (Me)

GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
Since i have very limited knowledge on NPC's that join the party since i always play solo.

I really don't know how to deliberately make a party member become hostile toward the main character on purpose.

it is possible to deliberately Make a character leave the party and start attacking me.

could i add to them to my party and remove them too many times until they get angry.

Do i just attack them and they will respond by attacking me immediately.

If there is a conflict in the party between evil and good and someone attacks the opposite alignment could i intervene and have that hostile character start attacking me?


  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    "it is possible to deliberately Make a character leave the party and start attacking me."

    Some good-aligned characters will leave the party and attack you if your reputation gets too low. One particular other will do that if you take too long to do his particular sidequest.

    "could i add to them to my party and remove them too many times until they get angry."

    No. Characters will not get angry for getting removed from the party, although some will leave forever or refuse to join again (if your reputation conflicts with their alignment).

    "Do i just attack them and they will respond by attacking me immediately.

    If there is a conflict in the party between evil and good and someone attacks the opposite alignment could i intervene and have that hostile character start attacking me?"

    Party members, when attacked, will attack you back if their assigned AI script tells them to defend themselves. They will not turn hostile, though.

    With that said, you can pretty much murder a fellow party member without consequences. But you won't get any XP, either.

  • FelixFelix Member Posts: 39
    I used to pit my fighter protagonist against minsc just for fun to see who would come out on top.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I forget what happens if you un-equip weapons for both and start a fistfight. You might try it and see. The winner eventually knocks the other unconscious, I do remember that.

    I would think that if you wantonly attack the NPC, then he or she will respond in kind. I would imagine that's the case whether the character is a party member or not. But others here can probably say for sure. I haven't played the game in a very long time.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    Lemernis said:

    I would think that if you wantonly attack the NPC, then he or she will respond in kind. I would imagine that's the case whether the character is a party member or not.

    NPCs respond according to their AI script, whether they are party members or not. Peasants usually flee (if they survive the first attack, that is), others fight back. Party members tend to stick to their assigned script (default being "attack whoever attacks a party member"), but they won't turn red - they're still under your control.

  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    Keldorn, Jaheira and Crend (i'm not sure) will attack you if you attack drizzt Do'urden when you meet him at chapter 6 on Baldur's Gate II. Others (i don't remember whom) will leave the party only.

    Keldorn will attack you in the sewers if you don't justify why you're there, i believe he attacks you too if you try to deal with Firkgaak and betray Garren.

    Korgan will banter with you sometimes, if you repudiate his acts he will call you a coward, if you defy him he challenge you to a fight, if you accept...

    Nalia will attack you if you attack lady delcia in Ar'nise keep.

    Jan turns on you (if i'm not wrong) if you kill the Svirfneblin gnomes in underdark for the drows.

    You can kill Valygar for Tolgerias, the cowled wizard.

    Jaheira will become hostile and will summon harper allies if you take her off the party and try to get her back with 7 or less reputation points.

    Edwin turns on you if you betray him to the red wizard hunter when he's a woman under the effect of the Nether scroll.

    Anomen Turns on you if you mock him after he fails the Order test.

    Strangely if you mock mazzy and try to let her locked in Amaunator temple, she doesn't turn on you, i don't remember if she turn on you if you mock her dead friends after deal with the shadow lord.

    Haer'dalis will turn on you if you refuse to give or sell the portal gem to his troup.

    Those are the ones i remember atm.

  • kilroy_was_herekilroy_was_here Member Posts: 455
    I believe female Edwin in BG2 also freaks out and attacks you if you poke fun at 'her' one too many times.
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