Shaman abilities help

So im dicing up a shaman and I rolled 92, not bad.
That's not the problem, im just not 100% sure where to put the points. I doubt this class is meant for melee right? So I was thinking like this maybe ( for human )
16 str ( if I do go 18 here itll be good for throwing axes and daggers I guess right? )
18 dex ( a must for s-bows I guess )
16 con ( don't think they benefit from 18 anyways? )
10 int ( I doubt ill benefit at all here even if I put 18 right? )
18 wis ( we apparently don't need wis but it stops me at 12 so I put 18 for reasons )
10 cha ( so I don't think cha will be useful much as I just read its not a huge benefit beyond cheaper prices/can be made up for easilly )
This gives me 4 leftover points to place wherever, assuming I didn't mess up above. From what I gather it looks like the abilities have nothing to do with the spell casting , and mostly help out in whatever combat type I want to do. Is this correct?
Can someone suggest an optimal stat distribution or should I just dump last 4 into str to get 18 and int to 12 because who cares? Unless that extra 18 con would help but I don't think so unless I want the regen thing at 20...
I couldn't find any info on abilities so hope this isn't reposting/is in the right place.
That's not the problem, im just not 100% sure where to put the points. I doubt this class is meant for melee right? So I was thinking like this maybe ( for human )
16 str ( if I do go 18 here itll be good for throwing axes and daggers I guess right? )
18 dex ( a must for s-bows I guess )
16 con ( don't think they benefit from 18 anyways? )
10 int ( I doubt ill benefit at all here even if I put 18 right? )
18 wis ( we apparently don't need wis but it stops me at 12 so I put 18 for reasons )
10 cha ( so I don't think cha will be useful much as I just read its not a huge benefit beyond cheaper prices/can be made up for easilly )
This gives me 4 leftover points to place wherever, assuming I didn't mess up above. From what I gather it looks like the abilities have nothing to do with the spell casting , and mostly help out in whatever combat type I want to do. Is this correct?
Can someone suggest an optimal stat distribution or should I just dump last 4 into str to get 18 and int to 12 because who cares? Unless that extra 18 con would help but I don't think so unless I want the regen thing at 20...
I couldn't find any info on abilities so hope this isn't reposting/is in the right place.
Shamans have no preferred stat, so neither INT nor WIS are really needed. They can't cast Wish spells either.
You can just go 18/18/16 STR/DEX/CON for actual benefits, and roll the rest whatever you like. CHA 18 is probably more useful than either INT or WIS. INT might be marginally more useful than WIS because Mind Flayers (if you plan on doing BG2).
I think they should add the wis bonus to it so they can at least compete with druid spell cast limits being higher I guess. I understand not wanting to be too close to druid/cleric but meh.
Thanks this answered my question about the stats. Not really a huge issue and can pretty much just do whatever after the str/con/dex max bonus amts. I put 18 wis for rp purposes, even a shaman needs to be wise...isn't that like a main thing about being a spiritual leader of sorts?
It really is what you make it
Always have 18 Dexterity on a Shaman - They need the AC when they get bludgeoned for Shamanic Dance & Can use Shortbows, so DEX gives better Thac0 for Shortbows.
CON - Keep this at 16 or lower.
INT & WIS - Boost these if you want "decent" LORE bonuses, do not go below 9 INT so you can use Clerical scrolls, otherwise ignore these entirely.
CHA - Keep at 15 (?) for NPC reaction, go to 18 for Store purchases.
Shaman's honestly only need 18/18/16/Min/Min/15+.
I think my Half-Orc has a total roll of 98 atm with every tome being placed on him.
(So 20/19/20/9/21/9)
And she's still easily felled in three hits during SoD. Mainly because I'm using AD&D so she has lower HP rolls. (It doesn't roll max HP, rolls between minimum and max per level)
If you have anything on AD&D or higher, the second your Shaman starts dancing, all the stronger NPCs will start swamping the Shaman.
Otherwise, just keep a good amount of Sleep Spells/Hold Person/Command : Sleep on hand for tough fights.
Try to get your Shaman to use Shamanic Dance before a fight breaks out or have the Shaman run a little further behind so that Enemies don't immediately try to launch everything the second you start dancing.
I was thinking of summoning stuff then leading the enemy to the summoned guys as a tactic. Any idea what the max # is for them? Im assuming normal summoning rules here right?
I *think* Shaman's have their own special summoning limitations that don't follow with other summons, since I've had like 2 Nymphs and 2 Skeletons and Shaman spirits coming as well, I think it also automatically fails when you have more than 5 monsters (which is the cap), so I really don't know... Kind of contradicted myself a little there, but it is hard to keep up with the different summons going on all at once during the heat of battle.
Firetooth or Gesen Bow would be my recommendations, for sure.
I think a great path for BG2 is Tuigan Bow until you get Gesen for Shamans.
You're also welcome to add me on Skype or whatever if you ever need quick-tips.
Shaman summons are indeed pretty crappy in SoD, but they are designed to be cannon fodder anyway with limited uses until you get enough levels to increase your chances of high-level spirits. So it works out nicely, Shamans are basically just Totemic Druid + Sorcerer with some min/max strengths. The class over-all is pretty unbalanced, though. Having huge grey areas but super strengths (like not needing any good stats at all)
(Thus meaning, if you use it on yourself in a solo run, it'll end the game)