Ultimate Party for Bg1 -> Siege -> bg2 playthrough

Once I finish siege, I want to start a new game from the begining of bg1 and use all the same characters till the end of bg2. I'll be using the new party creation feature (probably the best part of the patch) I know most people like the npcs, but I think it is much more enjoyable to create my own party like in IWD. Heres what I was thinking although I have 2 spots I'm debating on about which class to use and could use the opinions of others to help me out:
Fighter - Berserker Half Orc Dual Wield/Longswords will be using the +1 strength/constitution/charisma books on him since he is the party leader
Paladin - Cavalier Human Two Handed Weapon Style/2handed Swords - I am debating on making this spot a Berserker instead focusing on 2 handed weapons. I feel like the paladin would be better for bg1/siege but at higher levels in bg2 the berserker would be better
Fighter/Cleric - Half Orc Dual Wield/Morning star/Mace/War hammers (1 of the best class combinations in the game IMO) (Will be using at least 2 of the wisdom books on him)
Fighter - Berserker Human - Dual Class to Druid @ level 13 Dual Wield/Scimitars
This spot I'm debating on going shaman instead, I was skeptical of them at first but I am using 1 in my Siege runthrough at the moment and she is incredible
Illusionist/Thief - Gnome - shortbows/crossbows/darts (will use the +1 dex book on him)
Conjurer - Elf - Slings/Darts? (will use the +1 intel book on him)
I'm open to advice on the party, I will most likely play on core difficulty although I might bump that up to the next level of difficulty (forget what it's called). Also if anyone is interested in a multiplayer run through from bg1 - bg2 let me know I feel like that would be fun as well.
Fighter - Berserker Half Orc Dual Wield/Longswords will be using the +1 strength/constitution/charisma books on him since he is the party leader
Paladin - Cavalier Human Two Handed Weapon Style/2handed Swords - I am debating on making this spot a Berserker instead focusing on 2 handed weapons. I feel like the paladin would be better for bg1/siege but at higher levels in bg2 the berserker would be better
Fighter/Cleric - Half Orc Dual Wield/Morning star/Mace/War hammers (1 of the best class combinations in the game IMO) (Will be using at least 2 of the wisdom books on him)
Fighter - Berserker Human - Dual Class to Druid @ level 13 Dual Wield/Scimitars
This spot I'm debating on going shaman instead, I was skeptical of them at first but I am using 1 in my Siege runthrough at the moment and she is incredible
Illusionist/Thief - Gnome - shortbows/crossbows/darts (will use the +1 dex book on him)
Conjurer - Elf - Slings/Darts? (will use the +1 intel book on him)
I'm open to advice on the party, I will most likely play on core difficulty although I might bump that up to the next level of difficulty (forget what it's called). Also if anyone is interested in a multiplayer run through from bg1 - bg2 let me know I feel like that would be fun as well.
Otherwise - Everything sounds pretty thought out and well planned, congratulations on such an interesting racial design and well thought out party! @therdre
It's usually recommended you dual at lv.9 or before then, especially for Druids, since they also have huge experience gains at levels 12-15 (Lv12: > 300, 000 > Lv.13: 750,000 > Lv. 14: 1,500,000 > Level 15: 3,000,000), but have super low EXP requirements up to lv.9. (
1-11 Table as follows for a Druid:
1 0
2 2,000
3 4,000
4 7,500
5 12,500
6 20,000
7 35,000
8 60,000
9 90,0001
10 125,000
11 200,000
Also, welcome to the Forums! Enjoy your stay~
Edit - I should also mention I plan on doing every single quest/little thing possible so I'll be getting as much experience as there is in the games
The only *actual* benefit is (?)more Hit points from fighter con(?), but I definitely know the one benefit is an extra attack per round, which really isn't worth an extra four levels.
iirc you dual at 9 or 12, 9 being the most preferable in a 6 person party.
Even with every little thing being done, a lv.13 Dualed Druid still probably won't regain until the very end of Amn.
Edit: Most dual classes can get away with lv.12, but because it's a Druid I honestly would avoid dualing after level 10 at the latest. (I play almost exclusive Druid orientated builds in BG, even custom created illegal ones like Druid/Mage.)
This is all mainly because Druids, as mentioned in the spoiler tag, take a lot of EXP to go over lv.12.
Mass Cure & Ranger's would have access to Cleric healing anyway, so there shouldn't be any issues at all.
When I kinda tested this it let me levelup and also duel at 9 after I made imoen get the first trap in bg2 by the items. So you can get right into the warrior class starting of bg2 or lvl 9, but can also wait for level 10 for the ( I think ) 2 extra casts.