So anyone know a program to make creatures for Baldur's gate engine?

Since assuming Modding is gonna be a big thing in BG crowd, I was wondering if there was a way to make paper-doll monsters and characters.
I know NWN community has done this for their own thing.
I know NWN community has done this for their own thing.
If you're very artistic and want to be able to fully customize the appearance of your new monsters I'd recommend Blender 3D. Blender 3D is a 3D modelling and texturing suite that allows you to create 3D models exactly as you imagine them. Model, prerender, convert to bif files and voila, you have new creature animations.
In terms of changing monster stats and adding new abilities you simply need to manipulate text files governing their creature data.
I hope this helps.
@Kaliesto - the main modding communities are not here but on,, etc. You'll be better off asking such questions about modding there, as this forum is mainly for the enhanced game.