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[iOS] Always get max HP / level regardless of difficulty

1. Started a new game at easy (oops). Switched difficulty to core rules. Still get max HP at every level up.

2. Started a new game at core difficulty. Still had max HP/level.

3. Started a game at hard. Still had max HP/level.

I don't actually want this....


  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    edited April 2016
    EDIT: Was looking at the wrong subforum. Ignore me.
  • kwcampbellkwcampbell Member Posts: 2
    Oops. Meant to post this in BG2: EE bug forum. Can a mod move it?
  • FranpaFranpa Member Posts: 637
    There is a separate option for Max HP bonus when leveling up, turn it off and the game will obey the difficulty rule.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,425
    @Franpa: That's what my post said initially too, until I realized this was the IWDEE forum. :p
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