I Hate the new UI
Member Posts: 404
I hate the new UI. The first baldurs gate I played was BGII and that had a fine UI. Then, I got the original, and i said, "I hate this UI. Its so clunky and overbearing. I wish it was the other one." Then, after several years of not playing, I got BG:EE. "Ahh yes," I said. "This brings me back." Then, when I was ready to get BGII:EE, "Uggh. I hate this UI. Look at the colors, give me BG:EE UI please." No joke. This happened. So, though I play on an ipad and haven't yet seen the UI from the new patch, I can still say with complete confidence that I hate this new patch UI.
Much of the style and character of the original UI has been replaced with this bland, lazy and ugly excuse for an interface. There was no need, want or reason for it. I cannot convey enough how much I despise it.
That said, I'm disappointed that you didn't appreciate the original BG1 interface, Finn.
Anyway i think that it would be better to choice it in-game, i read everywhere about people that just hate it with all of their strenght.