How have you dealt with...? (SPOILERS)
...the green dragon at Bhaals Temple entrance? I had to pass while he slept, because when I tried to attack him (and I tried several times) I was quickly defeated. My party wasnt the most powerful one exactly (my main character is a 7th level cleric, with Safana, Corwin, Baeloth and Rasaad, not the best of the best, as you can see). However, given the number of Wyverns plus the dragon, what are your tactica to defeat it?
2. cast protection from fear before charging with rasaad alone at the dragon
3. after wing buffet, the dragon will use stone skin, you need a bunch of attacks to remove it.
4. while corwin and safana remove one stone skin layer after another have baeloth firing magic missiles at the dragon
5. drink potions, and drink and drink and drink
the dragon is not that hard. edwin would be best a 6th member to get rid of the dragon.
So, Prot. from Fear (as geseelle said) is paramount. Also, potions of strength on front-line fighters, haste, bless, etc. Baeloth must (MUST) have breach. Dragons do too much damage to effectively whittle down stoneskins at your level. Also, buy greater healing potions if you can afford it. So, your cleric, new fighter, and Rasaad charge in (and yes, deal with an annoying wing buffet), while Safana and Corwin grief with arrows. Baeloth is to a) remove stoneskin with breach, and b) fireball incoming wyverns (hopefully catching the dragon in the mix).
Again, my problem was the greater wyverns, which are a challenge without a freakin dragon on top of them. Have antidotes ready. Good luck.
Other than that, I agree with Geselle.
M'Khiin's "Writhing Fog" spell and "insect plague" were vital, as were summons to keep some distance between NPC and the wyverns because of poison breathe spells.
Used summoning wand, the "stone golum" summon thing, (that was very useful) and with a little space, as many skellies as possible.
The limit is 5, so start with a skelleton, and stone golum, the dragon wakes up so then you need fast summons, so use the wand to the limit. And keep plugging the gaps. Everybody using ranged weapons.
When you enter the cave, if you start summoning the dragon wakes up, so pre buff. I did try and move into the cave and find a more advantageous position but found I was then attacked from two directions. It was better to have a solid wall of summons to allow your mages to work their spells, so ended up fighting from the entrance.
Web catches some of them, that helped. Fear caught some wyvens as well. Both faster spells than insect summons so you get time for that to be fired and the web and cloud can be pre cast.
I don't think I ever have used melee to fight any dragon, sometimes I think I should be out there thumping them with a weapon but that never seems to end well for me. On occasion I have run up to the dragon (Firkrag ect.) and waved a sword at them when they are very injured, but it's for show more than anything.