How does SOD handle Imoen?

Hello folks. I am currently running BG:EE and i reached the point where i need to decide if to dual-class Imoen. I would rather skip the hassle of getting 2nd team or power xp farming, however the urge to bridge the gap in story is too strong.
So the question is - what happens to Imoen in SOD. I know that she isn't likely to be party member, but is her transition from thief to mage explained storywise ?
So the question is - what happens to Imoen in SOD. I know that she isn't likely to be party member, but is her transition from thief to mage explained storywise ?
Also - whatever you do to her in BGEE does not transition to BG2EE nor SoD game-mechanic-wise. Don't worry about it. I actually liked to dual-class her around lvl 6 and get a thief-mage with 100% open locks and 100% find traps. (Did that a lot. I like Immy)
P. S.: If they'll restore Safana in the patch, I'll take her.
P. S.: They couldn't even move her stuff carefully, had to reload to keep her shadow armor, army scythe (+1 crossbow), shadow's blade+3, boots of speed, et cetera... nice job, Beamdog, antagonizing NPC's to the max and making me insta-hate the once loved Safana (though I still only took her once in my previous walkthroughs).
Problem solved.
Edit: about the screenshot: not only is she put into the party, she immediately tries to force an "apology" out of the protagonist? I'm trying my BEST here not to become psychotic, but really - really- I've just actually felt what those gamergaters feel in their perverted ways. How can you force your "recent" agenda through a respected, legendary game... how can you even lift a hand to write-in THIS and call it more than one-dimensional...
No Imoen in my party? See me after class.
What? You gave me a crappy lobotomized understudy thief from 1998? Think you'll also be needing another 3 hours detention.
Also you do realise that all the equipment of imoen and any chars you had with you will be located in the palace once you reach it.
Do I like Safana ? No I don't, even with BG1 NPC project. Will I like to take her into the party instead of beloved Imoen, especially after her "magical" appearance ? Hell no. Do I accept the game design decision that put her there? Absolutely and I would expect no less.
Do you know why? Because Beamdog did exactly the same what Bioware did years ago in Irenicus dungeon. You were going to loose Imoen, so another neutral thief popped out of the thin air. I didn't like it than, heck i didn't even like Yoshi. But I had to take him as thief regardless and it eventually turned out to be great addition to the game.
Sometimes you don't get to pick what you like, but what you need. Besides you can easily refuse her, same as you could with Yoshimo. And her line about you ditching her in the middle of dark dungeon feels much more climatic than the "kthx bye" refusal response line Yoshimo had in Irenicus dungeon.
Next time please use your brain, before you go rant about dishonored legacy, when the exact thing was in the original game.