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M'khiin console code

After I rescued M'khiin, I didn't ask her to join the party. When the camp moved along on our advance toward Dragonspear, she didn't follow along. Now that I've found a few shaman-specific items, I'd like to recruit her. Can anyone tell me the code to summon her to my side? Thanks!


  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641


    If that's not it, drop the last "n".

    I believe that's it. That said, so long as you told M'Khin to go back to camp you should be able to access her at any camp in the game as you move forward. If she's not at a specific camp but was at a prior camp, that's probably a bug.

    What chapter, what camp?
  • WesleyWesley Member Posts: 55
    Illydth said:


    If that's not it, drop the last "n".

    I believe that's it. That said, so long as you told M'Khin to go back to camp you should be able to access her at any camp in the game as you move forward. If she's not at a specific camp but was at a prior camp, that's probably a bug.

    What chapter, what camp?
    I don't remember what dialog options I selected when I found her, but I don't *think* tell her to get lost. It's possible that I never specifically said she should wait in camp. Anyway,

    She was hanging around the first camp after I rescued her from Baeloth. Then she was not at the Bridgefort camp, nor is she now at the Dragonspear Siege camp. I am now in chapter 10 - don't remember what chapter corresponds to what area, but I don't believe she ever moved past the first camp.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    edited April 2016
    I think there's an open bug on both Voghiln and M'Khin disappearing from the Chapter 9 Base camp. If you wouldn't mind on some spare time, take a look at the "how to report bugs" posts, and go check out the public redmine to make sure there's a ticket on M'Khin disappearing from the Troll Forest Camp. If not would you kindly create one so that we can get it in front of developers and make sure this Pesky Shaman stays put!

    I swear, Goblins these turn one eye from them and they go out for beer and sandwiches. :)

    I mean Voghiln? Sure, I believe that of him, after all...BEER! Right? But M'Khin? I expect her to be a bit more responsible...
  • WesleyWesley Member Posts: 55
    OK, I'll do that.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    edited April 2016

    C:CreateCreature("bdmkhi7") is the console code. Just had to use it myself.
  • WesleyWesley Member Posts: 55
    Weird - I tried the console codes you told me about and got the response "Error File bdmkhi7 does not exist". This happened for alternate spellings of the console code, too, like "mkhin7", "mkhi7", and "bdmkhin7". Maybe a resource file is missing, which causes her to not show up in camp?
  • evildevil97evildevil97 Member Posts: 95
    I didnt want to make a new thread for this: I'm well into Chapter 8 with no saves prior. Mkhiin and Baeloth never spawn at all. Is there a way through CLUAconsole to make it think all of that happened, and then spawn in a joinable Mkhin?
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    This happens if Baeloth is already dead.
  • evildevil97evildevil97 Member Posts: 95
    I am aware. I was just wondering if there was a way to console her into the camp as if she already previously joined.
  • CLsdlt80CLsdlt80 Member Posts: 82
    Try teleporting to the areas where she might be, that's how I dealed with some bugs related to that NPC regarding it getting lost, or not appearing at camps, when out of the party.
  • evildevil97evildevil97 Member Posts: 95
    The thing is, with Baeloth being dead, there is no "where she might be". I just want to force the aftermath of the encounter where she first joins - make her think she was part of the party.
  • IlluminariaIlluminaria Member Posts: 2
    I consoled M'Khiin, but she just teleports away. I tried to talk, she presents herself then teleport again.

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