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Few questions. Mainly GoG vs BG:EE

BJSVBJSV Member Posts: 0
edited September 2012 in Archive (General Discussion)
1) Why doesnt this forum have a search button? If it does why is it hidden?

2) I am considering of purchasing baldurs gate games, but seeing that GoG is selling BG1 and BG2 at half the price this is, I need to ask if new content is really worth 10$? Note that I dont care about graphics.

3) I never played BG1 and I was wondering if your characters and decisions continue in BG2 or do i get default things once i start BG2? GoG and BG:EE.

4) I am guessing this has been asked 10000000 times by now, so why wasnt it added to FAQ?


  • TalvraeTalvrae Member Posts: 315
    2) Hard to say until the release
    3) No it don,t, Bg2 assume you had take the canon decision only thing that is imported is the character with his stats, and equipements... It was too early and complicated back in thouse days to have all the decision accounted for like they did for masseffect and Dragon age series
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389
    1) Search option is below all the categories n stuff on the left-side of your screen. Scroll down all the way. Bottom left. It's not hidden, just in an awkward spot.

    2) BG:EE is BG1 with the BG2 engine + enhancements. There are mods which run BG1 through the BG2 engine but none of them made a particular effort to keep the game somewhat balanced, and as mods they don't have input from the guys who legitimately created the games in the first place. Lack of creative control of the license and all that.

    It's also not out yet, so no one can really say if the extra $10 bucks is "worth it."

    3) Your main guy does, but that's about it. Very, very few other things carry over from BG1 to BG2.
  • ST4TICStrikerST4TICStriker Member Posts: 162



    Q1: It's at the bottom of the bar on the right. (Because they don't like you)

    Q2: Many players believe yes, Many players believe no. (You need to buy bg1+bg2 from GOG then get the widescreen mod and the tutu mod but even then you still don't get the 3 new npc's, the new adventure and you don't get the future DLC their making.)

    Q2.5: Rumors suggest the first DLC "Adventure Y" will come with the game free

    Q3: Your characters are imported. However you lose all your items and your Decisions don't matter.

    Q4: What wasn't added?
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    1. Dunno, lol

    2. There is absolutely no reason why you shouldn't get the original version of the game as well as the enhanced editon. Hell, even ig BG:EE is an unqualified success, I can still see myself occasionally going back to play the originals

    3. Just about the only character/decision that carries on between the 2 games is your main character and his stats/class/abilities/alignment etc.
    Some of the NPC's will appear as joinable characters in both BG1 and BG2 but they won't remember what decisions you made.

    4. I think most of the information on these forums is given under the assumption that everyone has played the originals, since they are 14ish years old. Hence the lack of spoiler tag usage.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    BTW, BG1 + BG2 is actually 13$ on GOG (if their promotion is still running, that is). For 6 bucks more you'll get the EE of the first game, which will keep you going a long, long time. Or just buy both, it wouldn't hurt.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    2. Besides what people have said already, remember that by buying the EE you are not only paying for this game, but also financing future games Overhaul might make (be it other enhanced editions or original games of their own). Even if this style of game (because they have said they want to make similar games) isn't something you have any special feelings for, you could always reason that buy buying the EE version, you are supporting a living studio while buying the originals will only provide some royalties to the old makers, and because of this your money is worth much, much more to Overhaul/Beamdog than to GoG and whoever gets the money from those sales.
  • sandmanCCLsandmanCCL Member Posts: 1,389

    Q3: Your characters are imported. However you lose all your items and your Decisions don't matter.

    That's not entirely true.

    There are a handful of items that if you have them show up in Irenicus' dungeon. Golden Pantaloons for one. I believe the Claw of Kazgoroh shows up in one of the boxes if you have that item too, but I can't remember what did and did not show up again.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    There's some import mechanic which determines where mail of the dead/plate +1 occur in game as well.
    I wasn't aware of the claw of kazgoroth one though
  • junk11junk11 Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2012
    Q3. I have to add.. it does matter a bit, its ur bhaalspawn special ability
    in BG1 according to ur reputation at the time, u gain different bhaalspawn abilities
    and those abilities are pass forward into BG2 with some tweaks
    (create a new CHARNAME in BG2 gives u those abilities randomly)
    but mainly, no nothing changes...mainly ur CHARNAME self

    unless u install some mods that let u carry over ur npc stats and weapons
    but still no major plot difference
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    Q3: Your characters are imported. However you lose all your items and your Decisions don't matter.

    That's not entirely true.

    There are a handful of items that if you have them show up in Irenicus' dungeon. Golden Pantaloons for one. I believe the Claw of Kazgoroh shows up in one of the boxes if you have that item too, but I can't remember what did and did not show up again.
    Go to and go down to "Baldur's Gate II". You can bring two items, plus the Golden Pantaloons, into BGII. I always go for Chain Mail +3 and Claw of Kazgaroth personally. By default it gives you the Helm of Balduran and Mail of the Dead +2.
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    I always missed the Cloak of Balduran in BG2, would have liked to have kept it instead of the helm.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012
    No reason not to get both, unless you're really counting your pennies.

    The main selling points of BG:EE:

    - existing game entirely bug-fixed
    - uses the ToB engine (implements dual-wielding, kits, BG2 spell selection)
    - hi-res graphics
    - zoom feature
    - new GUI
    - new cinematics
    - playable on PC, iPad, Android, and cross-platfom
    - fixed multiplayer
    - three new professionally crafted NPCs with quests and interactions with existing NPCs (Monk, Blackguard, and Wild Mage)
    - new Blackguard kit
    - new (additional) voice sets for PC
    - new (additional) PC portraits
    - new areas
    - 6 hour stand-alone adventure module, The Black Pits
    - DLCs of new content to be released regularly post-ship
    - when BG2:EE is released you'll need BG:EE to integrate them both into a single platform to play the entire Enhamced saga in one go
    - dev team working with modding community to support mods
    - a bonus feature yet to be announced
    - success of BG:EE and BG2:EE will make development of Baldur's Gate III possible

    And hopefully an official mod manager of some sort will be released as DLC in the near future.

    Main selling point of Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga and Baldur's Gate II Complete at

    - classic versions
    - bargain bin price!
    - you can get them both now, whereas BG:EE is scheduled for release Nov. 30, '12 and BG2:EE some time next year
    - a plethora of mods currently available for the TuTu and BGT platforms (however most if not all will be eventually available for Beamdog's Enhanced Editions as well, just will take some time)

    So if you love playing the entire saga with lots of mods installed won't be able to do that with the Enhanced Editions until next year
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited September 2012
    nm (accidentally posted in wrong thread)
  • SedSed Member Posts: 790
    "Q1: It's at the bottom of the bar on the right. (Because they don't like you)"

    Doesn't matter if you're left or right... ;-)
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