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Neera Romance Bug

Daelyn75Daelyn75 Member Posts: 24
Hello, I was hoping someone could help me with this issue.

I've gotten to the point where I had a kiss with Neera, but then she accidentally petrified herself when fighting. Doing so auto kicked her from the group. When I brought her back, she immediatly walked up to me and told me how dare I kick her from the group. I brought her back in and then nothing since then to the very end of BG EE.

With the EE keeper, I can see that it says that she has been kicked from the group. If I uncheck that, save the save file, will it continue the romance from there on? I'm now in Siege of Dragonspear, at the beginning, but I was hoping to continue the romance from there. Is there is more to do to continue the romance - console commands?

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