Party ideas (spolier)

I try to create a party with Sarevok enemies. Xan, Branwen and Yeslick directly hurt by Sarevok` henchmen, and Kivan has his own reveange.
Are there any other npc who has personal problem with Sarevok ?
I try to create a party with Sarevok enemies. Xan, Branwen and Yeslick directly hurt by Sarevok` henchmen, and Kivan has his own reveange.
Are there any other npc who has personal problem with Sarevok ?
Kivan: Tazok is his arch-nemesis
Branwen: Tranzig (sounds like a metal band) is her arch-nemesis
Xan: Mulahey is his arch-nemesis
Yeslick: Reiltar is his arch-nemesis
The final member?
Imoen: Sarevok himself is her arch-nemesis... kills both Gorion and Puffguts!
Make yourself a warrior type and it is not only an interesting party from a role-playing perspective, but quite balanced and powerful.
What about a pc class ? Blade, monk what im thinking, but if you have better idea pls tell me.
Do you want to play a class you are accustomed to or do you want to try something new and exciting?
Ill want to try smthing new, and i dont like multiclass pc, so ill thinking about monk (i altered little bit his hands to give faster enchantnent progression, and give him unarmed weapon prof like wilson has), or blade bardm which seems interestin from roleplaying .
Any other ideas ?
Perhaps a thief class would be different?
Shadowdancer is very powefull and capable class.
Monks are awsome , I have one max leveled(ToB) and it just eats pretty much everything.
(that may be my next solo run...)
If you prefer to play a thief, you can dual-class Imoen to Mage at some point. You don't need two thieves in the party.
In this party there are 2 capable front liners,
Kivan and Yeslick. Branwen can join to the front too. 2 mages(imoen in dual lvl 5,6) in the back. Okay think the blade will be the class what i choose now, backup mage, ranged or supplementary melee.
What i dont know, from this point, is my party setup at both SOD and BG2EE. Any ideas ?
For BG2EE, I'd keep Imoen/Yoshimo, Jaheira and Minsc as the ones who have good reason to go after Irenicus. Throw in Aerie or Anomen as romantic interest, depending on gender - both can also act as party cleric.
The last party slot can be kept open, or you can rotate between different party members (for example, keep Valygar until you've completed the Planar Sphere quest, let Keldorn help you investigate the Unseeing Eye, etc.). Then get Sarevok in ToB.
Like Seal Team 6 or the Forgotten Realms' Expendables.